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Upload files to Moodle (using dropzone.js)

This repository plugin allows you to use dropzone.js instead of the regular Moodle upload file repository.

Why use this plugin?

Some benefits include:

  • visual feedback of the upload status (users can see a progress bar of the upload status)
  • chunked uploads (large files are divided into smaller pieces and uploaded separately; if one chunk fails to upload, there will be automatic retries)
  • can upload files larger than currently allowed settings in your load-balancer/nginx/apache (for example, your CloudFlare account allows maximum 50MB uploads, but you need to upload a 2GB course backup).
  • it has some fallback mechanism, in case Dropzone.js fails to load


  1. Copy the repository folder to your /repository/ folder in your Moodle installation.
  2. Visit the notifications page to install the plugin.
  3. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage repositories and enable the plugin.
  4. Go to a course and add a file resource. You should see the dropzone.js option in the file picker.
  5. Try to upload (via click or drag-and-drop) a large file (e.g. 1GB) and see how it works.


  1. If you see the repository, but nothing shows in the file upload area (where dropzone.js widget is supposed to be), some reasons might be:
  • your site blocks loading itself in an iframe (via X-Frame-Options or Content-Security-Policy headers - you can check this in the browser console)
  • your site blocks loading any iframe content (via Content-Security-Policy headers - you can check this in the browser console)
  • your theme has some custom CSS for Moodle embedded pages (which moves the dropzone.js widget out of the visible area)