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abd-wazzan committed Mar 28, 2023
1 parent 0c01301 commit 14ccfa2
Showing 1 changed file with 273 additions and 44 deletions.
317 changes: 273 additions & 44 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,66 +1,295 @@
<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="400" alt="Laravel Logo"></a></p>

<h3 align="center">Laravel API boilerplate</h3>
<p align="center">
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A <a href="" target="_blank">Laravel</a> project with a Domain-Driven Design (DDD) structure, basic configuration, and commonly used packages pre-installed and configured, to help you start building your next big application.

## About Laravel
# Requirements
- PHP ^8.1
- Composer ^2.2

# Installation
composer create-project abd-wazzan/laravel-api-boilerplate api-app
Install dependencies
cd api-app
composer install
Setup .env file
cp .env.example .env
Generate the application key
php artisan key:generate
Run Locally
php artisan serve
# Installed Packages

- [Passport](
- [Laravel Actions](
- [Laravel Data](
- [Laravel Query Builder](

- [Laravel IDE Helper](
- [Scribe API documentation tool](
- [Laravel Telescope](
- [Pest Testing Framework](
- [Grum PHP](
- [Security Advisor](

# Features
- [DDD (Domain Driven Design)](#ddd)
- [API Response Helper](#api-response-helper)
- [Scribe Api Tags](#scribe-api-tags)
- [Global Helper](#global-helper)
- [Migration Structure](#migration-structure)
- [Polymorphic Mapping](#polymorphic-mapping)
- [Database Seeders](#database-seeders)
- [Shared Directory](#shared-directory)
- [Enable Model Strict Mode](

## DDD
Software development approach that tries to bring the business language and the source code as close as possible.

This structure is inspired by [LARAVEL BEYOND CRUD](

### Files Structure
Domain Layer Example:

├── Actions
├── QueryBuilders
├── Collections
├── Data
├── Events
├── Exceptions
├── Listeners
├── Models
├── Rules
└── States
├── Actions
└── .....

Application Layer Example:

The REST API application:
├── Products
├── Controllers
├── Middlewares
├── Requests
├── Queries
├── Filters
└── Resources

The Console application
└── Commands

The admin HTTP application:
├── Products
├── Controllers
├── Middlewares
├── Requests
├── Resources
├── Queries
├── Filters
└── ViewModels

### Dependency Illustration

### Resources
- [Domain Oriented Laravel](
- [Working With Data](
- [Actions](
- [Models](
- [States](
- [Managing Domains](
- [Application Layer](
- [View Models](
- [Test Factories](

## API Response Helper
A simple trait allowing consistent API responses throughout your Laravel application.

### Available methods:
| Method | Status |
| `okResponse()` | `200` |
| `createdResponse()` | `201` |
| `failedResponse()` | `400` |
| `unauthorizedResponse()` | `401` |
| `forbiddenResponse()` | `403` |
| `notFoundResponse()` | `404` |
| `unprocessableResponse()` | `422` |
| `serverErrorResponse()` | `500` |

### Usages Example:

namespace App\Http\Api\Controllers;

use App\Traits\ApiResponseHelpers;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use App\Http\Controller;

class ProductController extends Controller
use ApiResponseHelper;

public function index(): JsonResponse
return $this->okResponse();
## Scribe Api Tags
Additional scribe tags that match the ApiResponseHelper responses.

### Available Response tags:
| Tag | Status |
| `@okResponse` | `200` |
| `@createdResponse` | `201` |
| `@failedResponse` | `400` |
| `@unauthorizedResponse` | `401` |
| `@forbiddenResponse` | `403` |
| `@notFoundResponse` | `404` |
| `@unprocessableResponse` | `422` |
| `@serverErrorResponse` | `500` |

### Other Available tag:
| Tag | Description |
| `@usesPagination` | will add `page[number]` and `page[size]` to the query parameters |

### Usages Example:

namespace App\Http\Api\Controllers;

use App\Helpers\ApiController;
use App\Traits\ApiResponseHelpers;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use App\Http\Controller;

* Class CategoryController
* @group Category
class CategoryController extends Controller
use ApiResponseHelper;

* Get Categories
* this request is used to get all categories.
* @queryParam filter[name]
* @usesPagination
* @failedResponse
* @forbiddenResponse
* @throws \Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException
* @throws \Throwable
public function index(): Response
return CategoryResource::collection($categories->all());


Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:
## Global Helper
Simple php file that contains you global functions, which you can find it in `./src/shared/Helpers/global.php`.

- [Simple, fast routing engine](
- [Powerful dependency injection container](
- Multiple back-ends for [session]( and [cache]( storage.
- Expressive, intuitive [database ORM](
- Database agnostic [schema migrations](
- [Robust background job processing](
- [Real-time event broadcasting](
## Migration Structure
In order to group your migration files by their domains, you can create additional migration directories
and load them in the `AppServiceProvider` using `loadMigrationsFrom` function:

Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.

## Learning Laravel
namespace App\Providers;

Laravel has the most extensive and thorough [documentation]( and video tutorial library of all modern web application frameworks, making it a breeze to get started with the framework.
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

You may also try the [Laravel Bootcamp](, where you will be guided through building a modern Laravel application from scratch.
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()

If you don't feel like reading, [Laracasts]( can help. Laracasts contains over 2000 video tutorials on a range of topics including Laravel, modern PHP, unit testing, and JavaScript. Boost your skills by digging into our comprehensive video library.
## Polymorphic Mapping
Please read this [article]( first to identify the problem.

## Laravel Sponsors
In order to achieve the morph mapping, we created the `MorphEnum` that will contain each model morph key and then use it
in `Relation::morphMap` function as shown in the example:

We would like to extend our thanks to the following sponsors for funding Laravel development. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit the Laravel [Patreon page](
namespace Shared\Enums;

### Premium Partners
enum MorphEnum: string
case USER = 'user';

- **[Vehikl](**
- **[Tighten Co.](**
- **[Kirschbaum Development Group](**
- **[64 Robots](**
- **[Cubet Techno Labs](**
- **[Cyber-Duck](**
- **[Many](**
- **[Webdock, Fast VPS Hosting](**
- **[DevSquad](**
- **[Curotec](**
- **[OP.GG](**
- **[WebReinvent](**
- **[Lendio](**

## Contributing
namespace App\Providers;

Thank you for considering contributing to the Laravel framework! The contribution guide can be found in the [Laravel documentation](
use Shared\Enums\MorphEnum;
use Domain\Client\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

## Code of Conduct
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
MorphEnum::USER->value => User::class,

In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the [Code of Conduct](
## Database Seeders
We generally have two types of seeded data:

## Security Vulnerabilities
- Initial data: the project cannot function without it. For example, countries table data, and these data usually come
from datasets.
- Fake data: for testing purposes that can fill up any table instead of manually inserting row by row, this data is
usually generated by factories.

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via []( All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
In order to prevent the fake data from being seeded in the production environment, we created a new seeder class
called `TestingSeeder.php` which will contain all the fake data seeders and will only run in a non-production
environment. The normal seeders will stay in `DatabaseSeeder.php`.

## License
## Shared Directory
The `src/shared/` directory is used for helper, traits, enums .... that are going to be used by the application and the domain.

The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](
# Feedback
I will be happy to hear your feedback! If you have any recommendation or suggestion, please send an e-mail
to [Mail](

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