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This repo contains the code for the autonomous wind turbine inspection project. AirSim is used in this project.

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Autonomous Wind Turbine Inspection Framework Enabled by Visual Tracking Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (VT-NMPC)

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This repository contains the code and simulation files for the autonomous wind turbine inspection project. For this purpose, a time optimal path planner and a Visual tracking MPC is developed. Link to paper:

Installation instructions:

Install Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic

Create SSH key for computer

Follow the following tutorial Create SSH key

Clone directory in the home folder

git clone

Download the PX4 folder from here: PX4 files download and place it inside the Wind-Turbine-Inspection folder

Clone the WTI_catkin inside the catkin_ws

cd catkin_ws
git clone

Switch to the most recent branch using git checkout

Build workspace

cd catkin_ws
cd catkin_make

Download dependecies and setup px4:

sudo apt-get ros-mavros-mav-msgs 
cd Wind-Turbine-Inspection

note: ignore the errors related to python 2.7

Add alias for arming the drone and setting the mode to offboard.

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

Add the following lines for

alias arm='rosrun mavros mavsafety arm'
alias disarm='rosrun mavros mavsafety disarm'
alias offboard='rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD'

Starting the simulation:

cd Wind-Turbine-Inspection/WTI_px4_modified/shell_scripts/
./ matrice_100

Running the Inspection Planner

launch rqt_reconfigure trajectory

roslaunch dji_m100_trajectory m100_trajectory_v2_indoor.launch 

Activate traj_on

in the terminal arm the dorne and set the mode to offboard on by typing the following commands


The drone will take off.

Next: launch the VT-MPC.

roslaunch quaternion_point_traj_nmpc quaternion_point_traj_nmpc.launch

Adding wind to the simulation

roslaunch dji_m100_trajectory windgen_recdata.launch

Running the whole inspection frame work:

The optimal sequence of points and surface normals are created in txt file format, which the NMPC uses to generate optimal control actions. The planner is run for a default wind turbine model.

To run the default planner:

  • Bring the drone to the initial position (-3, 0, 3)
  • Run the point and normal generator node
rosrun dji_m100_trajectory GP_statemachine
  • change the mode to GP (Global Planner) and tick point to inspect checkbox

  • change the mode to GP (Global Planner) and tick point to inspect checkbox


  • clean the repo from unnecassary folders
  • rename and the reorganize the nmpc controller structures
  • Recheck the installation instructions and test it
  • Add the inspection process launching instructions
  • Add images to the simulation launch instructions
  • Add description of the framework and simulation environment
  • Add description of the different controllers
  • Add description of the path planner


This repo contains the code for the autonomous wind turbine inspection project. AirSim is used in this project.






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