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📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

  • This a micro service application that send sms via partners to the client by executing trigger in the cms module and allow to the client activate that bonus via Djezzy App .

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live Kubernetes system.


You need to install the fellowing software in order to get the application up and running :

  • Node.js and npm.
  • NestJS.
  • Redis in memory database.
  • Docker.
  • Kubernetes on cloud.


APP Architecture

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APP Architecture Explained

The application contaian of 5 micro services

  • the api-getway : listen to the request from the outside world and push event to the event bus

  • the dbss-api : get eligible profile from our dbss api ( api manager for dbss api )

  • elgible-app : listen to the event in the event bus and preform changes to the database

  • cms-app : listen to the event in the event bus and execut trigger on sql server database yo send sms or bonus to the client depand on msisdn

  • eligible-api : get request to get the status of msisdn ( eligible or not eligible to get bonus )

  • Redis Pub/Sub work as event bus between services .


Running the Nest.JS application

cd *
npm install
  • Before start the application you should change the keys in the *-app/config directory (host, user, password and db name ) in order to connect to the postgres database.

  • Start the application by running npm start from the command line in the api directory , you should see the message: "Nest application successfully started".

npm start
  • Please make sure that you have connected to redis intance in order to the application works

🚀 Deployment


  • In order to deploy this application in production we need :
    • Docker to build images for all sevices and push it to the docker hub or private registry .
    • Kubernetes cluster to run the micro services application in production mode from the image that was created .



  • Download and install docker on your machine Please Visit Docker

Build Docker image

  • Build your own docker image and push it to your repo by running "docker build -t my-app-name:v1 . " from the command line in api directory
cd *-app
docker build -t my-app-name:v1 .

you need to push the image to Docker hub or your own private registry .


Deployment Architecture

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Deployment Architecture Explained

  • Please fellow the instruction in the configMap file to setup the proper environment variables value in order the application works (action required)
  • you can use jenkins in order to automate the proccess of deployment when the developer push to the production ( main ) branch use jenkinsfile in CI directory
  • to deploy manualy the micro services application you need just run the script by running the fellowing cammand

this will :

  • deploy production envirment for redis to work as event bus
  • build all images for micro services.
  • push all images to the docker registry
  • deploy all micro service app to production envirment on kubernetes fellowing the previous architecture.

this will create the fellowing Kubernetes objects:

  • Namespace a virtual cluster for all your resource related to this application ( pods services secret)
  • Deployment for all the application with one pod ( running container) insuring high availability for the service.
  • Cluster ip services that connected to the pods .
  • ingress service that connect the cluster ip service with ingress-nginx load balancer to expose it outside (Public) .

PS : you must install NGINX Ingress Controller on your k8s cluster before applying the final deployment please check this link for more information.

  • to drop the application just run the command :
kubectl delete  -f k8s

this will delete all kubernetes objects

⛏️ Tools

  • NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework.
  • Redis - Redis is in memory database.
  • TypeORM - promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Postgres - Open source relationel database.
  • Docker - Software platform for building and packaging applications.
  • Kubernetes - Container Orchestration.

✍️ Author

Made with ❤️ by Abdellah


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