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Welcome to my Portfolio!

💡 Motivation

Two years ago, I first got introduced to web development. It was all new and fascinating to me. I decided to build a blog, and followed a tutorial by Benjamin Carlson to build my first live website. I had way too many packages and had many bad practices. So when I ran yarn dev and saw an error, I wasn't surprised. I knew it was finally time to refactor this codebase. After building it back from the ground up, I finally found the error: an outdated function from the package I was using to parse my markdown files to html. I learned a lot about next-mdx-remote, dynamic routing in Next.js, and using asynchronous fetching in this project.

I had a lot of fun building this. I got to play with lots of different technologies while growing my knowledge of web development.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any additional questions. There are lots of features that still need to be implemented!

✨ Pages

  1. Home Page:


  1. Tutorials Page:


  1. Blog Page:


  1. Projects Page:


  1. Contact Page:


⚡️ Technologies

This site was built using Next.js and Chakra UI in the frontend.

The posts are all markdown files stored locally.

Why Next.js?

Vercel make it really easy to deploy a website for free. In addition, I love the routing system and SEO benefits that Next.js offers. Next.js also makes it easy to work with API's!

The next time I do another project, I'm definitely looking forward to using TypeScript with Next.js!

Why Markdown?

Markdown makes it really easy to write blog posts.

Here is a simple diagram showing how markdown files can be parsed in Next.js:


API Routes

  • /api/subscribe to post subscriber to mailchimp
  • /api/github to fetch github repositories for projects page

Important Libraries

  • animate.css makes it easy to add page animations
  • gray-matter is useful to parse markdown
  • next-mdx-remote to pass the markdown parsed by gray-matter into a React Component that can be displayed on my posts page
  • nprogress
  • reading-time to show how long it takes to read my blog posts
  • rehype-prism-plus and rehype-code-titles allow my code blocks to look aesthetic
  • swr is valuable for fetching data

Future Improvements

  1. The ability to comment on a post.
  2. Add pictures to the projects page.
  3. Adding back the bubbles from abneuro version 1.
  4. Adding the number of page views and users who have viewed the site.
  5. Add a dynamic sitemap.
  6. Reduce amount of data per request for dynamic pages (migrate away from next-mdx-remote?).

👏 Contribute

Contributions are welcome as always. Before submitting a new pull request, please make sure to open a new issue.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out the Next.js deployment documentation for more details.


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