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Welcome to my Blockchain App, Neurocoin!

💡 Motivation

I was interested in learning about blockchain. I went with building the frontend with Flask. I also wanted to start learning about MySQL, so I chose to integrate it with a MySQL database. I learned a lot about Flask routing, PlanetScale and Render, deploying a Flask application, and using SQL and Python. This tutorial by Will Assad was amazing for this project: Blockchain App Will Assad

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any additional questions. There are lots of features that still need to be implemented!

Project Structure

  • Main application file containing the Flask routes and logic.
  • Implementation of the blockchain and related functions.
  • Implementation of the SQL functions for managing the blockchain and users database.
  • Implementation of the forms with wtforms.
  • templates/: Contains HTML templates for rendering pages.
  • static/: Contains static files like CSS and JavaScript.

✨ Pages

  1. Home Page:


  1. Register Page:


  1. Dashboard Page:


  1. Login Page:


  1. Buy Page:


  1. Transaction Page:


⚡️ Technologies

This site was built using Flask and MySQL.

The Neurocoin System allows users to manage a blockchain-based ledger of transactions for a token system. Users can register, log in, view their account balance, send tokens to other users, and empty their account.


  • User registration and authentication
  • Account balance management
  • Sending tokens between users
  • Emptying an account
  • Blockchain-based ledger for transaction history
  • MySQL database integration
  • Basic front-end using Flask's templating engine

Important Dependencies

  • Flask
  • MySQL Connector
  • Passlib
  • hashlib

Future Improvements

  1. Deploy to the web. It is difficult to find free and fast options for a MySQL database. PlanetScale sleeps their databases if they are not used often, and Render is extremely slow at deploying my Flask application.

👏 Contribute

Contributions are welcome as always. Before submitting a new pull request, please make sure to open a new issue.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd blockchain-app
  3. Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Configure your MySQL database settings in the file.
  5. Start the Flask development server: python
  6. Access the application in your web browser at port 5000.