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Birzeit University

Department of Computer Science


First Semester – Fall 2016/2017

This project is based on what you have learnt in the lecture room about Linked List. In this project, you will implement a system to accept new students at a university based on an admission mark that is computed based on the Tawjihi, High-School, and Placement Test grades.

Your program should assign new registered students to their majors based on their admission marks. Each input student should be assigned to one major only. The student may not be assigned to any major if (s)he didn’t pass achieve the required admission marks of majors for all faculties. Each major has a unique non-overlapping range of averages. For example, Medicine [97-99], Engineering [90- 96], Science [85-89], and so on.

Your program should read two input files. The containing the Name of students, Tawjihi, High-school, and Placement test grade.

The second file should contain the acceptance criteria by the university that is:

  • the Tawjihi grade’s rate in the admission mark
  • school grade’s rate in the admission mark
  • Placement test grade’s in the admission mark
  • Number of faculties
  • A list of faculties and the range of their averages

Your application should have the options of:

  1. Read the files
  2. Accept new students
  3. Print (on the screen) all accepted students based on their faculties
  4. Print (on the screen) rejected students;
  5. Write accepted and not accepted students to files
  6. Quit

Your test files should contain at least 5 faculties and at least 30 students.


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