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AVR Toolchain for CS120B and CS122A at UC Riverside

This repository provides template Makefiles, main.c and header files along with a project creation script for embedded systems courses at UC Riverside.


You need to make sure that you have downloaded and installed SimAVR, AVR toolchain which includes: AVR-GCC, AVR-GDB, and (optionally) AVRDUDES. You can also try installing AVRDUDESS (yes the extra 's' is intentional) for a graphical programming interface.

  • Clone or download the repository to a location on your computer.
  • Edit the SIMAVRDIR=SET YOUR SIMAVR DIRECTORY HERE line in the templates/MakefileTemplate to be the path to your SimAVR installation.
  • Edit the #include "include/simavr/avr/avr_mcu_section.h" in the to be the relative path from your SIMAVRDIR (from the previous step) to the avr_mcu_section.h file


  • /path/to/repo/
 Creating a new AVR project. Input the following or hit enter for the [default].
 Project name: <newProject>
 Partners name [none]: 
 Microcontroller [atmega1284]: 
 Clock Frequency [8000000]: 
 Creating project...
 Creating project directory structure...
 Creating project templates for source, tests, and Makefile...
 Project created, to continue working: 

	1) Change working directory into project directory
	2) Initialize the directory to a GitHub repo: 
		$git init
	3) Add the files to the github repo: 
		$git add .
	4) Make a first commit: 
		$git commit -m "Initializing repositor"
	5) Create a project at
	6) In terminal, add the URL to your project: 
		$git remote add origin <remote repository URL>
	7) Verify the remote repository: 
		$git remote -v
	8) Push the changes to GitHub: 
		$git push -u origin master
  • And start developing


Labs for CS120B - Intro to Embedded Systems






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