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This operator provides full lifecycle of Elasticsearch users,roles,rolemapping and alerts.


You can pass configuration with environment variables or file with following parameters:

Key Environment variable Value
endpoint ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT Elasticsearch endpoint
alertAPIPath ELASTICSEARCH_ALERT_API_PATH Path to alerts api endpoint (for example _opendistro/_alerting/monitors)
roleAPIPath ELASTICSEARCH_ROLE_API_PATH Path to roles api endpoint (for example _opendistro/_security/api/roles)
userAPIPath ELASTICSEARCH_USER_API_PATH Path to users api endpoint (for example _opendistro/_security/api/internalusers)
tenantAPIPath ELASTICSEARCH_TENANT_API_PATH Path to tenants api endpoint (for example _opendistro/_security/api/tenants)
roleMappingAPIPath ELASTICSEARCH_ROLEMAPPING_API_PATH Path to role mappings api endpoint (for example _opendistro/_security/api/rolesmapping)
extraCACertFile EXTRA_CA_CERT_FILE Path to file with custom CA certificate(s)
username ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME User with appropriate permissions
password ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD User password



Export VERSION variable and execute

make docker-build


Specify configs in deploy/helm/values.yaml and deploy with

helm -n elasticsearch-security-operator upgrade -i elasticsearch-security-operator ./deploy/helm

Samples of custom resources can be found in config/samples


  • Refactor alert controller
  • Refactor controller's methods