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A Telegram Bot for tipping user using an EOSIO blockchain.


  • deposit fund to the bot's eosio account with any memo, from outside chat interface via blockchain.
    • [NOT Recommended] basically into tip eosio account tippertipper from outside (i.e. telegram chat) by mentioning a memo as "deposit fund"
    • here, /deposit is to show the message like this:
Send token to tippedtipped with your unique telegram ID 451529893 as the memo to deposit!
  • [DEPRECATED] /addac (account): add your eosio account into DB.
    • Suppose, the user sends token from exchanges like binance, they don't provide unique eosio account, instead they have a common eosio account "binancecleos"
  • /listacs: list eosio accounts added.
  • /balance - show your account (saved in DB) balance. If multiple accounts, then parse the eosio_ac_name like this /balance <eosio_ac_name>
  • /withdraw (account, amount, symbol): withdraw money to your a/c. show the help message like this:
Please enter withdrawal request in this format: /withdraw ACCOUNT AMOUNT SYMBOL (e.g. /withdraw eosio 1.0000 EOS)
- token transfer happens using `cleoswt push action eosio.token transfer '["tippertipper", "tipuser11111", "5.0000 EOS", "transfer 5 EOS as per the request"]' -p tippertipper@systemkey`
- [ ] parse the message_id as request_id into memo.
  • /withdrawmemo (account, amount, symbol, memo): withdraw money to your a/c. show the help message like this:
Please enter withdrawal request in this format: /withdrawmemo ACCOUNT AMOUNT SYMBOL MEMO (e.g. /withdraw eosio 1.0000 EOS MEMO)
  • /tip (receiver_ac, qty, memo): give receiver's eosio account (say tipuser11112) so that the amount can be transferred from user's fund to an receiver account with a custom msg.
    • token transfer happens using cleoswt push action eosio.token transfer '["tippertipper", "tipuser11112", "2.0000 EOS", "transfer 2 EOS as per the request"]' -p tippertipper@systemkey
Please enter tip request (with memo) in this format: /tip RECEIVER_ID AMOUNT SYMBOL MEMO \n(e.g. /tip 768743431 0.1000 EOS restaurant_tip_for_excellent_service


  • to get the eosio_ac_name of a user, just run the query on redis DB by telegram_id
  • to get the balance of a user, just capture the eosio_ac_name by querying on redis DB as per telegram_id & then cleos get account <eosio_ac_name>


  • Cloud: Redis on Heroku




tip user bot using blockchain service







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