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This Flask-based web app predicts heart disease risk and offers personalized lifestyle recommendations. It employs a Random Forest Classifier for predictions and provides tailored advice based on user inputs like age, sex, and health metrics. The app also enables users to generate and send detailed medical reports to healthcare providers.


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Heart Failure Risk Prediction Web Application

This project is a web application developed using Flask, a Python web framework, for predicting the risk of heart disease and providing personalized lifestyle recommendations based on user input.


  • Heart Disease Prediction: Utilizes a Random Forest Classifier trained on a dataset containing various heart health parameters to predict the likelihood of heart disease based on user input such as age, sex, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, etc.
  • Personalized Lifestyle Recommendations: Offers tailored lifestyle recommendations to mitigate heart disease risk factors, considering factors like physical activity, diet, smoking habits, medical history, and more.
  • Interactive Web Interface: Provides an intuitive web interface for users to input their data and receive predictions and recommendations instantly.
  • Email Report Generation: Allows users to generate and send a detailed medical report to their healthcare provider for further evaluation.
  • AI chatbot intgration: Talk to your personal healthcare assistant hridaya for any queries.

Technologies Used:

  • Python: Utilized for backend development, including data processing, model training, and web server implementation.
  • Flask: Chosen as the web framework for its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability in building web applications.
  • Pandas and NumPy: Employed for data manipulation and preprocessing tasks.
  • Scikit-learn: Used for building and training the Random Forest Classifier model for heart disease prediction.
  • HTML and CSS: Implemented the frontend interface for user interaction and styling.
  • JavaScript: Included for client-side scripting and interaction with the Botpress chatbot integration.

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  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone
  2. Run the Application: Start the Flask web server by running python in the project directory.
  3. Access the Application: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 to access the web application.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues for bug fixes, feature requests, or any other improvements you'd like to see. Pull requests are also appreciated.


This Flask-based web app predicts heart disease risk and offers personalized lifestyle recommendations. It employs a Random Forest Classifier for predictions and provides tailored advice based on user inputs like age, sex, and health metrics. The app also enables users to generate and send detailed medical reports to healthcare providers.






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