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RobocupSSL is a Codelite workspace. It is the linux port of the entire code base for RobocupSSL developed on Windows till now.
Currently only the project Strategy has been ported correctly to linux. To setup the workspace on your system, run the
file contained in the folder containing this README file. To run this file, open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and change directory
to this directory using the cd command. Then run the following command:

$ sudo bash

All the dependencies will be installed by this bash script except Codelite that has to be installed manually. The instructions 
to install Codelite have been specified in the file though.

Once Codelite has been installed, it's time to set it up for the project:
[1] Open Codelite. 
[2] Codelite has git in-built. To configure it, do
		Plugins menu -> Git -> Set Git repository path. 
		From the browser that opens up, open the robocupssl directory and press the Open button.
[3] Coding style has to be consistent among all the programmers involved. Configure the Source Code Formatter plugin as follows.
    Select Plugins menu -> Source Code Formatter -> Options... .
    Select PreDefined Styles tab -> ANSI radio box
    Select Custom tab -> Brackets -> Linux.
    Select Indentation -> Switches, Namespaces and Preprocessors checkboxes.
    Select Formatting options -> Pad Operators checkbox.
    Press OK.
    Select Settings menu -> Global Editor Preferences...
    Select General->Indentation option
    Deselect "Disable Smart Indentation" and "Use tabs in indentation" checkboxes. 
    Set "Columns per indentation level" and "Columns per tab character in document" to 2. 
    Press OK.
Once all the software is in its place, it's time to test that:
[1] Open Codelite. 
[2] Select Workspace menu -> Open Workspace and then select RobocupSSL.workspace from the browser that pops up.
[3] Press F7 (shortcut for Build). The Strategy project is by default selected as the Active project. So Strategy project starts
    building. In the Output View pane at the bottom of the IDE, see the build log in the Build tab. After the build completes, if
    you get 0 errors, then the project has been built successfully.
[4] From the terminal, run the command 
    $ sudo grSim
    Enter the system password when prompted. This will start grSim, a 3D simulator for RobocupSSL developed by another team.
[5] Now go back to Codelite and press Ctrl+F9 (shortcut for Build and Run). This will start the Strategy project.
    If you see only the messages: 
    "Vision UDP network successfully configured. (Multicast address:
    Waiting for signal from Referee Box and SSLVision Client
    Robot command listen UDP network successfully configured. (Multicast address:",
    then grSim has to be configured to connect to Strategy.
    Open grSim. In the left hand side pane, set Communication->Vision multicast address to, Vision multicast port to 10002,
    Command listen port to 20012. 
    This should setup the communication correctly and you must be able to see a running log in the output
    window of the Strategy project when it's run. If TEST macro has been defined in main.cpp of Strategy project, then you'll also
    be able to see the blue bot with id 0 spinning. This will confirm that the communication is setup correctly in both directions.
= Troubleshoooting =
If for some reason, the communication between grSim and Strategy does not seem to be working even after following the above steps, close
both of them, start grSim first and then Strategy and double check the connection settings. That should fix any issues. If it's still not
working contact the seniors.