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You can use Kubernetes Volumes to provide storage for your applications. There is support for multiple types of volumes in Kubernetes. One way of categorizing them is as follows

  • Emphemeral - Volumes which are tightly coupled with the Pod lifetime (e.g. emptyDir volume) i.e. they are deleted if the Pod is removed (for any reason).
  • Persistent - Volumes which are meant for long term storage and independent of the Pod or the Node lifecycle. This could be NFS or cloud based storage in case of managed Kubernetes offerings such as Azure Kubernetes Service, Google Kubernetes Engine etc.

In this blog post, we will look at an example of how to use Azure Disk as a storage medium for your apps deployed to Azure Kubernetes Service.

You will:

  • Setup a Kubernetes cluster on Azure
  • Create an Azure Disk and a corresponding PersistentVolume
  • Create a PersistentVolumeClaim for the app Deployment
  • Test things out to see how it all works end to end


How to use Azure Disk as a storage medium for your apps deployed to Azure Kubernetes Service.







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