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An android app to check available Vaccination sessions by pin or by district using the public API provided by Co Win. It helps people to book slot and get vaccinated at their nearest vaccination centers


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Vaccine SlotChecker

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Check available vaccine sessions/slots at your nearest vaccination center

NOTE : This app is only made for educational purpose as a part of my learning. In case of removal or any issue please contact me.

This app will provide most recent vaccination slot availability through government provided facility Co-Win.
The user needs to feed in the pincode or district name to receive information related to vaccination centres around them .
This app doesn't require login. If slots are available then the user can book their slot by clicking the sign in/register button
which, will take them to the official Co-Win website where they can register themselves and their family members.

This app provides data using the public API provided by cowin and and i am not directly or indirectly responsible for the data provided in case of any mismatch

As per GOVT policy of CoWIN the appointment availability data is chached and may be up to 5 minutes old .

For more information related to this API please refer to Co-WIN Public APIs

Icons made by ultimatearm and Freepik from


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  • INTERNET : This app requires internet connectivity to fetch most recent data and serve it to the users.

Supported devices

Any mobile phone runing on Android operating system is able to run this application.

NOTE : This app is not available for ios devices.

Contributing Guidelines

  • First fork this repository

  • Then in your terminal type :

    $ git clone

    NOTE : Above here replace username with your github username

    Now you will have a local copy of your version of the original repository.

  • Now change the directory

    $ cd Vaccine-SlotChecker-Android

  • Add a conection to the original repository

    $ git remote add upstream

  • Confirm by checking the upstream

    $ git remote -v

  • Make your own banch with your username

    $ git checkout "branch-name"

  • Now make changes in the files

    git add and git commit those changes and git push them back to github.

    These will go to your version of the repository.

  • Now create a Pull Request (PR)

    Go to your version of the repository on github.Click the “New pull Request” button at the top.
    Note that original repository will be on the left and your forked repository will be on the right.

    Click the green button “Create pull request”. Give a succinct and informative title, in the comment field give a short explanation of the changes and click the green button “Create pull request” again.

Pulling others' changes

Before you make further changes to the repository, you should check that your version is even with the upstream or not.

$ git pull upstream development --rebase


The application is licensed under the MIT license.


An android app to check available Vaccination sessions by pin or by district using the public API provided by Co Win. It helps people to book slot and get vaccinated at their nearest vaccination centers








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