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What's the problem we are solving ?

In a unfortunate crash, we might lose our data stored in the disk (EBS). Though, to eliminate such a single point of failure, we can take the EBS snapshots on regular intervals and store them in the Amazon S3. Furthermore, if such an EBS containing our Grafana Dashboard data crashes, we will be able to get the data back by above mentioned appraoch but dashbaords still have to be manually built which can be quite large in number.

What's our solution ?

To solve the same, We will be using Grafana APIs to backup the dashboards as .json files in timestamp based folders.

To restore, every dashboards in such a timestamp based folder will be created after creating required dashboard parent folder as required.

Directory Structure

├── Dockerfile                      # Dockerfile to build docker image of the solution
├──                       # README file for the project 
├── grafana-backup                  # The parent folder where backups will be stored, 
|   |                               # can be set via env varaible BACKUP_FOLDER
│   └── grafana-demo-dashboards     # Env variable GRAFANA_HOST_NAME
│       └── daily
│           ├── 26-10-2021T23:06:52 # Timestamp based backup folders (UTC+5:30)
|           |   |                   # Dashbords will be store in the format DASHBOARD-NAME_UID.json
│           │   ├── clustermonitoringforkubernetes_5feiaponk.json 
│           │   └── prometheusstats_udqjcfo7k.json 
│           |
│           └── 27-10-2021T00:14:43
│               ├── clustermonitoringforkubernetes_5feiaponk.json
│               └── prometheusstats_udqjcfo7k.json
├──               # DRIVE SCRIPT
├──                  # GRAFANA APIs MODULE
├── k8s                             # JOBS NEEDED IN K8S ENVIRONMENT 
│   ├── backup-cronjob.yaml         # CRON-JOB TO RUN SCHEDULED BACKUPs
│   ├── backup-job.yaml             # JOB TO RUN A SINGLE BACKUP
│   ├── help-job.yaml               # JOB TO SEE HELP IN LOGs
│   ├── pvc_gb.yaml                 # CREATE PV AND PVC 
│   └── restore-job.yaml            # JOB TO RUN THE RESTORE 
└── requirements.txt    

Running in Local System

  1. Clone the repository in your local system.
  2. Export the required env variables in your .zprofile or .bash-profile based on your default shell.
    export GRAFANA_HOST_NAME=<grafana-host-name>
    export GRAFANA_URL=<grafana-url>
    export GRAFANA_KEY=<grafana-API-key-with-editor-permission>
    export BACKUP_FOLDER_NAME=grafana-backup 
    export LOCAL_BACKUP=True
    export SHOW_BACKUP=10
    • The env variable GRAFANA_HOST_NAME is the name of Grafana-Instance you are taking backup of.
    • The env variable GRFANA_URL is the address of the grafana instance.
    • The env variable GRAFANA_KEY is the API KEY with editor permission.
    • The env variable BACKUP_FOLDER is the name of the parent folder to store all such backups.
    • The env variable LOCAL_BACKUP is set to True when you want to run a local backup instead of storing in S3.
    • The env variable SHOW_BACKUP is to see last n backups when we run the script with '-h' option.

  3. Running the script-
    • To take the backup:

      python3 -b

    • To restore from the most recent backup:

      python3 -r

    • To restore from the specific backup:

      python3 -r 26-10-2021T23:06:52

    • To show help:

      python3 -h

Running in K8s as backup in PV

  1. Create the docker image:

    docker build -t grafana-backup:5.0 .

  2. Tag the docker image with your own dockerhub repository (For example mine is- abhitrone):

    docker tag grafana-backup:5.0 abhitrone/grafana-backup:5.0

  3. Push the docker image in your dockerhub repository:

    docker push abhitrone/grafana-backup:5.0

  4. Change directory to k8s and Create a pv (EBS) and pvc in dev environment:

    kubectl apply -f pvc_gb.yaml

  5. Create a backup job in same env:

    kubectl apply -f backup-job.yaml

  6. Create a help job in same env:

    kubectl apply -f help-job.yaml

  7. Create a restore job in same env:

    kubectl apply -f restore-job.yaml

  8. If you want, now you can schedule the backup as a cronjob:

    kubectl apply -f backup-cronjob.yaml

Running in K8s as backup in S3



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