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Building the project

nacx edited this page Apr 15, 2012 · 8 revisions

The library can be built as any other clouds provider as follows:

mvn clean install

To build the project executing the live integration tests, you will need an Abiquo installation up and running. Before you build the project, you may edit the live/src/test/resources/ to customize the live tests so they are properly executed against your infrastructure.

You will also need to configure the following system properties to configure the access to the target Abiquo installation:

  • test.abiquo.endpoint: The URI where the Abiquo Platform API is exposed.
  • test.abiquo.identity: The user name used to connect to the API. (default is "admin")
  • test.abiquo.credential: The password name used to connect to the API. (default is "xabiquo")

Once you have configured the build, you can launch it by run the following command:

mvn clean install -P live \
-Dtest.abiquo.endpoint=<endpoint> \
-Dtest.abiquo.identity=<user> \

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