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Pages management

Mariusz Kumor edited this page Apr 9, 2017 · 2 revisions

Display a list of all pages

In the control panel go to Pages tab from the left sidebar. You will be able to see a list of pages available in Abixen Platform.

Abixe Platform pages list

Create a new page

For now a creation of new page is possible only from the application site.

Edit an existing page

You are able to select single page to edit. Click the checkbox in a row you are interested in. Then click Edit button. You will be able to see an edit form:

Abixe Platform edit page

During an edit process in the Control Panel there is no possible to change page's layout. Once changes has been done, click the Save button.

Define permissions for page

Having a one selected page, click Permissions button. You will be able to see a set of permissions you can define to the selected page.

Abixe Platform define permissions for page