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Scraper of Repository Scanner, which is a Tool to detect secrets in source code management systems.


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Repository Scanner Version Control System Scraper (RESC-VCS-SCRAPER)

Python Celery Pydantic CI SonarCloud


This component is part of Repository Scanner - resc

Table of Contents

  1. About the component
  2. Getting started
  3. Testing

About the component

The RESC-VCS-Scraper component collects all projects and repositories from multiple VCS providers. The supported VCS providers are Bitbucket, Azure Repos, and GitHub.

This component includes two main modules, the project collector and the repository collector. The project collector collects all projects and sends them to the project queue. The repository collector collects projects from the projects queue, fetches its corresponding repositories, and sends them to the repository queue.

Getting started

These instructions will help you to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Run locally from source

Preview Prerequisites: RabbitMQ must be up and running locally.
If you have already deployed RESC through helm in Kubernetes, then rabbitmq is already running for you.
Clone the repository, open the Git Bash terminal from /components/resc-vcs-scraper folder, and run below commands.

1. Create virtual environment:

cd components/resc-vcs-scraper
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/Scripts/activate

2. Install resc_vcs_scraper package:

pip install -e .

3. Set below environment variables:

 export RESC_RABBITMQ_SERVICE_HOST=   #  The hostname/IP address of the rabbitmq server
 export RESC_RABBITMQ_SERVICE_PORT_AMQP=30902  #  The amqp port of the rabbitmq server
 export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST=resc-rabbitmq   #  The virtual host name of the rabbitmq server
 export RABBITMQ_QUEUES_USERNAME=queue_user    #  The username used to connect to the rabbitmq projects and repositories topics
 export RABBITMQ_QUEUES_PASSWORD="" # The password used to connect to the rabbitmq projects and repositories topics, can be found for the value of queues_password field in /deployment/kubernetes/example-values.yaml file
 export VCS_INSTANCES_FILE_PATH="" # The absolute path to vcs_instances_config.json file containing the vcs instances definitions
 export GITHUB_PUBLIC_USERNAME="" # Your GitHub username
 export GITHUB_PUBLIC_TOKEN="" #  Your GitHub personal access token


4. Run the collect_projects task:

collect_projects task collects all projects from a given Version Control System Instance, then writes the found projects to a RabbitMQ channel called 'projects'.

This can be done via the command


Structure of vcs instances config json

The vcs_instances_config.json file must have the following format. Note: You can add multiple vcs instances.



  "vcs_instance_1": {
    "name": "GITHUB_PUBLIC",
	"scope": ["kubernetes"], 
    "exceptions": [],
    "provider_type": "GITHUB_PUBLIC",
    "hostname": "",
    "port": "443",
    "scheme": "https",
    "username": "GITHUB_PUBLIC_USERNAME",
    "token": "GITHUB_PUBLIC_TOKEN",
    "organization": ""
  • scope: List of GitHub accounts you want to scan. For example, let's say you want to scan all the repositories for the following Github accounts.

    Then you need to add to the scope the following accounts like : ["kubernetes", "docker"]. All the repositories from those accounts will be scanned.

  • exceptions (optional): If you want to exclude any account from scan, then add it to exceptions. Default is empty exception.

The output messages of collect_projects command has the following format:

  "project_key": "kubernetes",
  "vcs_instance_name": "GITHUB_PUBLIC",

5. Run collect all repositories task:

This task collects all repositories from a single VCS project, then writes the found repositories to a RabbitMQ channel called 'repositories'.

This can be done via the command:

celery -A vcs_scraper.repository_collector.common worker --loglevel=INFO -E -Q projects

Run locally using Docker

Preview Run the RESC VCS Scraper Docker image locally by running the following commands:
  • Pull the Docker image from registry:
docker pull rescabnamro/resc-vcs-scraper:latest
  • Alternatively, build the Docker image locally by running:
docker build -t rescabnamro/resc-vcs-scraper:latest .
  • Run the vcs-scraper by using below command:
docker run -v <path to vcs_instances_config.json in your local system>:/tmp/vcs_instances_config.json -e RESC_RABBITMQ_SERVICE_HOST="host.docker.internal" -e RESC_RABBITMQ_SERVICE_AMQP_PORT=30902 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST=resc-rabbitmq -e RABBITMQ_QUEUES_USERNAME=queue_user -e RABBITMQ_QUEUES_PASSWORD="<the password of queue_user>" -e VCS_INSTANCES_FILE_PATH="/tmp/vcs_instances_config.json" -e GITHUB_PUBLIC_USERNAME="<your github username>" -e GITHUB_PUBLIC_TOKEN="<your github personal access token>" --name resc-vcs-scraper rescabnamro/resc-vcs-scraper:latest collect_projects  

To create vcs_instances_config.json file, refer: Structure of vcs_instances_config.json


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Run below commands to make sure that the unit tests are running and that the code matches quality standards:

Note: To run these tests you need to install tox. This can be done on Linux and Windows with Git Bash.

pip install tox      # install tox locally

tox -v -e sort       # Run this command to validate the import sorting
tox -v -e lint       # Run this command to lint the code according to this repository's standard
tox -v -e pytest     # Run this command to run the unit tests
tox -v               # Run this command to run all of the above tests


Scraper of Repository Scanner, which is a Tool to detect secrets in source code management systems.



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