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Add file to choose best sentence of LM
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aboelhamd committed May 12, 2019
1 parent 702a31a commit 0ffd248
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,007 additions and 767 deletions.
368 changes: 184 additions & 184 deletions src/BeamSearch.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,186 +1,186 @@
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <iostream>
//#include <fstream>
//#include <stdexcept>
//#include <unistd.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <string>
//#include <map>
//#include <set>
//#include <vector>
//#include <string.h>
//#include <sys/stat.h>
//#include <time.h>
//#include <sys/time.h>
//#include <sstream>
//#include "../pugixml/pugixml.hpp"
//#include "RuleParser.h"
//#include "RuleExecution.h"
//#include "TranElemLiterals.h"
//#include "CLExec.h"
//#include <omp.h>
//using namespace std;
//using namespace pugi;
//using namespace elem;
//main (int argc, char **argv)
// string lextorFilePath, interInFilePath, localeId, transferFilePath, modelsDest, k;
// if (argc == 7)
// {
// localeId = argv[1];
// transferFilePath = argv[2];
// lextorFilePath = argv[3];
// interInFilePath = argv[4];
// modelsDest = argv[5];
// k = argv[6];
// }
// else
// {
// localeId = "es_ES";
// transferFilePath = "";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sstream>

#include "../pugixml/pugixml.hpp"
#include "RuleParser.h"
#include "RuleExecution.h"
#include "TranElemLiterals.h"
#include "CLExec.h"

#include <omp.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace pugi;
using namespace elem;

main (int argc, char **argv)
string lextorFilePath, interInFilePath, localeId, transferFilePath, modelsDest, k;

if (argc == 7)
localeId = argv[1];
transferFilePath = argv[2];
lextorFilePath = argv[3];
interInFilePath = argv[4];
modelsDest = argv[5];
k = argv[6];
localeId = "es_ES";
transferFilePath = "";
lextorFilePath = "lextor.txt";
interInFilePath = "beaminter.txt";
modelsDest = "/home/aboelhamd/Downloads/models";
k = "8";

// localeId = "kk_KZ";
// transferFilePath = "apertium-kaz-tur.kaz-tur.t1x";
// sentenceFilePath = "src.txt";
// lextorFilePath = "lextor.txt";
// interInFilePath = "beaminter.txt";
// modelsDest = "/home/aboelhamd/Downloads/models";
// interInFilePath = "beam-inter.txt";
// modelsDest = "./UntitledFolder/models";
// k = "8";
//// localeId = "kk_KZ";
//// transferFilePath = "apertium-kaz-tur.kaz-tur.t1x";
//// sentenceFilePath = "src.txt";
//// lextorFilePath = "lextor.txt";
//// interInFilePath = "beam-inter.txt";
//// modelsDest = "./UntitledFolder/models";
//// k = "8";
// cout << "Error in parameters !" << endl;
// cout
// << "Parameters are : localeId transferFilePath lextorFilePath interInFilePath modelsDest beamSize"
// << endl;
// cout << "localeId : ICU locale ID for the source language. For Kazakh => kk-KZ"
// << endl;
// cout << "transferFilePath : Apertium transfer file of the language pair used."
// << endl;
// cout << "lextorFilePath : Apertium lextor file for the source language sentences."
// << endl;
// cout
// << "interInFilePath : Output file of this program which is the input for apertium interchunk."
// << endl;
// cout << "modelsDest : Yasmet models destination." << endl;
// cout << "beamSize : The size of beam in beam search algorithm." << endl;
// return -1;
// }
// ifstream lextorFile (lextorFilePath.c_str ());
// ofstream interInFile (interInFilePath.c_str ());
// if (lextorFile.is_open () && interInFile.is_open ())
// {
// // load transfer file in an xml document object
// xml_document transferDoc;
// xml_parse_result result = transferDoc.load_file (transferFilePath.c_str ());
// if (string (result.description ()) != "No error")
// {
// cout << "ERROR : " << result.description () << endl;
// return -1;
// }
// // xml node of the parent node (transfer) in the transfer file
// xml_node transfer = transferDoc.child ("transfer");
// map<string, vector<vector<string> > > attrs = RuleParser::getAttrs (transfer);
// map<string, string> vars = RuleParser::getVars (transfer);
// map<string, vector<string> > lists = RuleParser::getLists (transfer);
// map<string, map<string, vector<float> > > classesWeights =
// CLExec::loadYasmetModels (modelsDest);
// int beam;
// stringstream buffer (k);
// buffer >> beam;
// string tokenizedSentence;
// while (getline (lextorFile, tokenizedSentence))
// {
// // cout << i << endl;
// // spaces after each token
// vector<string> spaces;
// // tokens in the sentence order
// vector<string> slTokens, tlTokens;
// // tags of tokens in order
// vector<vector<string> > slTags, tlTags;
// RuleParser::sentenceTokenizer (&slTokens, &tlTokens, &slTags, &tlTags, &spaces,
// tokenizedSentence);
// // map of tokens ids and their matched categories
// map<unsigned, vector<string> > catsApplied;
// RuleParser::matchCats (&catsApplied, slTokens, slTags, transfer);
// // map of matched rules and a pair of first token id and patterns number
// map<xml_node, vector<pair<unsigned, unsigned> > > rulesApplied;
// RuleParser::matchRules (&rulesApplied, slTokens, catsApplied, transfer);
// // rule and (target) token map to specific output
// // if rule has many patterns we will choose the first token only
// map<unsigned, map<unsigned, string> > ruleOutputs;
// // map (target) token to all matched rules ids and the number of pattern items of each rule
// map<unsigned, vector<pair<unsigned, unsigned> > > tokenRules;
// RuleExecution::ruleOuts (&ruleOutputs, &tokenRules, slTokens, slTags, tlTokens,
// tlTags, rulesApplied, attrs, lists, &vars, spaces,
// localeId);
// // final outputs
// vector<string> outs;
// // number of generated combinations
// unsigned compNum;
// // nodes for every token and rule
// map<unsigned, vector<RuleExecution::Node*> > nodesPool;
// // ambiguous informations
// vector<RuleExecution::AmbigInfo*> ambigInfo;
// // beam tree
// vector<pair<vector<RuleExecution::Node*>, float> > beamTree;
// // rules combinations
// vector<vector<RuleExecution::Node*> > combNodes;
// nodesPool = RuleExecution::getNodesPool (tokenRules);
// RuleExecution::getAmbigInfo (tokenRules, nodesPool, &ambigInfo, &compNum);
// vector<RuleExecution::AmbigInfo*> newAmbigInfo;
// for (unsigned j = 0; j < ambigInfo.size (); j++)
// if (ambigInfo[j]->combinations.size () > 1)
// newAmbigInfo.push_back (ambigInfo[j]);
// CLExec::beamSearch (&beamTree, beam, slTokens, newAmbigInfo, classesWeights,
// localeId);
// // take the first sentence only
// beamTree.erase (beamTree.begin () + 1, beamTree.end ());
// RuleExecution::getOuts (&outs, &combNodes, beamTree, nodesPool, ruleOutputs,
// spaces);
// // write the outs
// for (unsigned j = 0; j < outs.size (); j++)
// interInFile << outs[j] << endl;
// }
// interInFile.close ();
// lextorFile.close ();
// }
// else
// {
// cout << "ERROR in opening files!" << endl;
// }
// return 0;

cout << "Error in parameters !" << endl;
<< "Parameters are : localeId transferFilePath lextorFilePath interInFilePath modelsDest beamSize"
<< endl;
cout << "localeId : ICU locale ID for the source language. For Kazakh => kk-KZ"
<< endl;
cout << "transferFilePath : Apertium transfer file of the language pair used."
<< endl;
cout << "lextorFilePath : Apertium lextor file for the source language sentences."
<< endl;
<< "interInFilePath : Output file of this program which is the input for apertium interchunk."
<< endl;
cout << "modelsDest : Yasmet models destination." << endl;
cout << "beamSize : The size of beam in beam search algorithm." << endl;
return -1;

ifstream lextorFile (lextorFilePath.c_str ());
ofstream interInFile (interInFilePath.c_str ());
if (lextorFile.is_open () && interInFile.is_open ())
// load transfer file in an xml document object
xml_document transferDoc;
xml_parse_result result = transferDoc.load_file (transferFilePath.c_str ());
if (string (result.description ()) != "No error")
cout << "ERROR : " << result.description () << endl;
return -1;

// xml node of the parent node (transfer) in the transfer file
xml_node transfer = transferDoc.child ("transfer");

map<string, vector<vector<string> > > attrs = RuleParser::getAttrs (transfer);
map<string, string> vars = RuleParser::getVars (transfer);
map<string, vector<string> > lists = RuleParser::getLists (transfer);
map<string, map<string, vector<float> > > classesWeights =
CLExec::loadYasmetModels (modelsDest);

int beam;
stringstream buffer (k);
buffer >> beam;

string tokenizedSentence;
while (getline (lextorFile, tokenizedSentence))
// cout << i << endl;

// spaces after each token
vector<string> spaces;

// tokens in the sentence order
vector<string> slTokens, tlTokens;

// tags of tokens in order
vector<vector<string> > slTags, tlTags;

RuleParser::sentenceTokenizer (&slTokens, &tlTokens, &slTags, &tlTags, &spaces,

// map of tokens ids and their matched categories
map<unsigned, vector<string> > catsApplied;

RuleParser::matchCats (&catsApplied, slTokens, slTags, transfer);

// map of matched rules and a pair of first token id and patterns number
map<xml_node, vector<pair<unsigned, unsigned> > > rulesApplied;

RuleParser::matchRules (&rulesApplied, slTokens, catsApplied, transfer);

// rule and (target) token map to specific output
// if rule has many patterns we will choose the first token only
map<unsigned, map<unsigned, string> > ruleOutputs;

// map (target) token to all matched rules ids and the number of pattern items of each rule
map<unsigned, vector<pair<unsigned, unsigned> > > tokenRules;

RuleExecution::ruleOuts (&ruleOutputs, &tokenRules, slTokens, slTags, tlTokens,
tlTags, rulesApplied, attrs, lists, &vars, spaces,

// final outputs
vector<string> outs;
// number of generated combinations
unsigned compNum;
// nodes for every token and rule
map<unsigned, vector<RuleExecution::Node*> > nodesPool;
// ambiguous informations
vector<RuleExecution::AmbigInfo*> ambigInfo;
// beam tree
vector<pair<vector<RuleExecution::Node*>, float> > beamTree;
// rules combinations
vector<vector<RuleExecution::Node*> > combNodes;

nodesPool = RuleExecution::getNodesPool (tokenRules);

RuleExecution::getAmbigInfo (tokenRules, nodesPool, &ambigInfo, &compNum);

vector<RuleExecution::AmbigInfo*> newAmbigInfo;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < ambigInfo.size (); j++)
if (ambigInfo[j]->combinations.size () > 1)
newAmbigInfo.push_back (ambigInfo[j]);

CLExec::beamSearch (&beamTree, beam, slTokens, newAmbigInfo, classesWeights,

// take the first sentence only
beamTree.erase (beamTree.begin () + 1, beamTree.end ());

RuleExecution::getOuts (&outs, &combNodes, beamTree, nodesPool, ruleOutputs,

// write the outs
for (unsigned j = 0; j < outs.size (); j++)
interInFile << outs[j] << endl;

interInFile.close ();
lextorFile.close ();
cout << "ERROR in opening files!" << endl;
return 0;

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