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Rolling Tags Discord Bot

Add tags to nicknames based on their roles!

Rolling Tags Discord Bot will allow you to easily assign tags next to the usernames of members of your server based on what roles they are in.

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Setting tags to roles

To add a tag to a role, rename the role to "Role Name | tag", and everyone with that role will have that tag appended to their name.

You can use emojis, symbols, words, or anything you like in place of tag.

For example if you rename the role "Superuser" to "Superuser | #", then our buddy Linus, who is a member of that role, will have their name changed to "Linus | #" within the server.

Multiple tags

Users belonging to multiple roles which have tags will have all the relevant tags appended to their name. (Note, there is a 32 character limit on names, so avoid long tags.)

Changing Roles/Nicknames

Whenever a member's nickname is changed or their roles are changed, the bot automatically reapplies tags.

Bot Configuration

Customize the bot's behavior by appending key=value to the bot's main role's name, separating each key-value pair by a space. Use quotes to surround values that have spaces. For example to have Linus' nickname appear as [#] Linus you would change the rale Rolling Tags to Rolling Tags fmt="[{t}] {n}". Or if you wanted to put a comma between each tag you would change the role to Rolling Tags sep=,.

The following settings are supported.

Key Description Default Notes
sep The separator between each tag A space Use sep= with no value to have no separator
fmt The format of users' names. {n} and {t} will be replaced with each user's name and their tags respectively. `{n} {t}`

Known Issues

  • The bot cannot change the nickname of users who have a higher role than the bot. For the bot to work properly, make sure the bot's role is highest.
  • There is no way for the bot to have permission to change the nickname of the owner of a server, so they're the only person who the bot will not affect.
  • If a nickname could possibly match the specified format, parts of the nickname may be replaced. For example if you have a user named Linus.Torvalds who is a member of the role Superuser | #, and you have the format set to {n}.{t}, then the bot will change their nickname to Linus.#. To avoid this, use more unique formats that are less likely to match a user's nickname.


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