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Meeting Agenda 02

Abrar Yasir edited this page Dec 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

Date/Location: 2nd December 2020 at 10PM in Dhaka and Bogra(via Google meet)

Information Updates/Reminders

  1. We started to make the SRS and completed it.
  2. We started talking in slack and decided we will use the PHP language as our main coding standard, and will use laravel as a framework.
  3. For front end, we will use bootstrap and css.

Decisions Needed

We decided that we will make an accommodation system, designed for the forces.

In the trello board, we kept updates on remaining tasks, the tasks that completed, and the tasks we are going to do.

In the slack workspace, we divided our works.

All joined in a github repository.

In github wiki, there are documents for meeting minutes and meeting agendas.

Clone this wiki locally