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Repository containing raw data, scripts and circos configuration files to reproduce the genome plot.

Main data

File Description Method summary
Pseudo_Pac.fas Genome sequence Assembled with RS_HGAP_Assembly.1 in SMRTanalysis 2.0.1, then manually cut and aligned
Pseudo_Pac.gtf Genome annotation Annotated in GenDB with default settings
modifications.gff3 Modified bases Methylation detection with RS_Modification_and_Motif_Analysis.1 in SMRTanalysis 2.0.1, using Pseudo_Pac.fas as the reference

Scripts etc.

File Description Method summary
circos.conf Main CIRCOS configuration Requires CIRCOS to run: Calculate GC content and skew Modified from:

Temporary files

File Description Method summary
gc_5000.gcSkew GC content and skew Output of -f Pseudo_Pac.fas -w 5000
gc_5000.gc Raw GC content Column with the GC content, taken from gc_5000.gcSkew
gc_5000-62.46.gc Adjusted GC content Absolute distances from the genome's mean GC content (62.46%)
gc_5000.skew GC skew Column with the GC skew, taken from gc_5000.gcSkew
genes_heat_*.txt Methylation per gene Relative methylation per gene, seperately for genes on plus and minus strand
modifications_*.txt Genome-wide methylation Absolute methylation per 2kb, 10kb and 50kb window, also strand-specific
Anything else Mandatory CIRCOS files Stuff like genome length, layout options, ...


alt text

Plot of the complete Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 genome. The genome consists of 4,696,984 base pairs and 4,436 predicted coding sequences. The circles represent from the inside: 1, GC skew (red above and black below zero, 5kb window); 2, GC content (blue above and black below genome average of 62.46%, 5kb window); 3, strand-specific genome-wide methylation analyzed in 10kb windows; 4, strand-specific methylation per gene; 5, scale in million base pairs (Mb). Methylation color spectrum goes from blue (zero) over yellow (mean) to red (2*mean).