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Project Name

Lifestyle Restaurant

This is a capstone project of a Restaurant app from a chosen API which allows you to make a choice of dish and you can as well like and comment on it. screenshot screenshot

Test screenshot

Additional description about the project and its features.

  • Number of likes increases after click
  • when comment is clicked, a popup appears
  • in the popup you can add a comment about that particular dish
  • your comment appears up and number of comments on that particular dish also appears
  • popup can be closed and another dish selected

Built With

  • kanban board

##periquities To get this project up and running, you should do the following; If you wish to run the project locally, please do the following:

1.- Install Node.js and npm if you haven't already. To install Node.js, follow the instructions on Node.js.

To install npm, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g npm

2.- Install webpack and linters. To install webpack, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g webpack

or follow the instructions on webpack. To install linters, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g eslint
npm install -g stylelint
npm install -g webhint

or follow the instructions on eslint, stylelint, and webhint.

Also you can clone the repository and most of the jobs will be done for you.

Once you have the setup and the project locally, you can run the project using the following command in your terminal:

npm run build

and if you want to watch the changes live, run the following command:

npm start

also you can run npm run watch to make webpack watch the changes and rebuild the project without having to run the build command again.


If you want to run the tests, do the following: 1.- Install Node.js and npm if you haven't already. Or you can use yarn if you prefer.

2.- Install Jest using npm or yarn. You can check here how to do it: Jest.

3.- Run npm test or yarn test to run the tests.

4.- you can add the jest coverage so it covers all your code and show percentage left


You can run git clone to clone the repository and avoid all the installation steps because tests are set as a dependency. Happy coding!

👤 Author

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • This project is realised thanks to microverse

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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