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Switch to a better corner generator for a better corner gene…
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abryant committed Jun 5, 2018
1 parent 236147a commit d766fe9
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Showing 2 changed files with 34 additions and 32 deletions.
63 changes: 31 additions & 32 deletions visuals/
Expand Up @@ -7,42 +7,41 @@ def get_layer_coord(direction, index):
"""Gets the 0,0 coordinate on the given layer, where layer 0 is the one furthest in the given direction."""
return (direction.value * (SIZE - 1 - index)) if is_direction_positive(direction) else (-direction.value * index)

def corner(start_dir, end_dir, hue1, hue2):
line_dir = get_perpendicular_direction(start_dir, end_dir)
def find_face_points(face_dir, line_dir):
face_component = face_dir.value * (SIZE - 1) if is_direction_positive(face_dir) else Pos(0, 0, 0)
line_component = line_dir.value if is_direction_positive(line_dir) else opposite_direction(line_dir).value
perpendicular_dir = perpendicular_direction(face_dir, line_dir)
points = [[face_component + (perpendicular_dir.value * j) + (line_component * i) for j in range(SIZE)] for i in range(SIZE)]
if is_direction_positive(line_dir):
return points

def generate_corner(start_dir, end_dir, hue1, hue2):
opposite_start_dir = opposite_direction(start_dir)
opposite_end_dir = opposite_direction(end_dir)
points = find_face_points(start_dir, end_dir)
if abs(hue2 - hue1) > abs(hue2 + 360 - hue1):
hue2 += 360
h = (hue2 - hue1) / 4 # 5 animation frames, so 4 gaps
start_i = [get_layer_coord(start_dir, i) for i in range(SIZE)]
end_i = [get_layer_coord(end_dir, i) for i in range(SIZE)]
while True:
animation_gaps = (SIZE - 1) * 2
h = (hue2 - hue1) / animation_gaps
current_hue = hue1
for i in range(SIZE):
c = Cube()
c.fill_layer(start_dir, 0, hue_to_colour(hue1))
yield c
cs = [hue_to_colour(hue1 + h) for i in range(SIZE)]
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[0] + end_i[0], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[0] + end_i[1], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[1] + end_i[2], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[1] + end_i[3], cs)
yield c
cs = [hue_to_colour(hue1 + 2*h) for i in range(SIZE)]
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[0] + end_i[0], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[1] + end_i[1], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[2] + end_i[2], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[3] + end_i[3], cs)
ratio = i / (c.size - 1)
for j in range(len(points)):
for k in range(len(points[j])):
c.set(points[j][k] + (opposite_start_dir.value * round(ratio * j)), hue_to_colour(current_hue))
yield c
cs = [hue_to_colour(hue1 + 3*h) for i in range(SIZE)]
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[0] + end_i[0], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[1] + end_i[0], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[2] + end_i[1], cs)
c.fill_line(line_dir, start_i[3] + end_i[1], cs)
yield c
c.fill_layer(end_dir, 0, hue_to_colour(hue2))
current_hue += h
points = find_face_points(end_dir, start_dir)
for i in range(SIZE - 2, -1, -1):
c = Cube()
ratio = i / (c.size - 1)
for j in range(len(points)):
for k in range(len(points[j])):
c.set(points[j][k] + (opposite_end_dir.value * round(ratio * j)), hue_to_colour(current_hue))
yield c
yield True
current_hue += h

def straight(end_direction, hue1, hue2):
if abs(hue2 - hue1) > abs(hue2 + 360 - hue1):
Expand All @@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ def faces():
if new_direction.value == -direction.value:
gen = straight(new_direction, hue, new_hue)
gen = corner(direction, new_direction, hue, new_hue)
gen = generate_corner(direction, new_direction, hue, new_hue)
for val in gen:
if type(val) is bool:
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions visuals/
Expand Up @@ -52,3 +52,6 @@ def is_same_axis(dir1, dir2):

def opposite_direction(direction):
return [d for d in Direction if is_same_axis(d, direction) and d != direction][0]

def perpendicular_direction(dir1, dir2):
return [d for d in Direction if not (is_same_axis(d, dir1) or is_same_axis(d, dir2))][0]

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