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The Preprocessor

John Baglio edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

The preprocessor in CSASM works very similar to C's preprocessor, though it is somewhat limited at the moment.


Used to mark the end of a preprocessor statement's block.

#define <name> [body]

Creates a define constant named <name> with an optional body.
Define constant bodies currently cannot contain spaces.

#ifdef <name>

Paired with #endif.
All code contained in this statement is only compiled iff (if and only if) the define constant <name> exists.

#define NAME
#ifdef NAME
  ; Anything in here is compiled since NAME exists
#ifdef OTHER
  ; Anything in here is NOT compiled since OTHER does not exist

#ifndef <name>

Paired with #endif.
All code contained in this statement is only compiled iff the define constant <name> does not exist.

#define NAME
#ifndef NAME
  ; Anything in here is NOT compiled since NAME exists
#ifndef OTHER
  ; Anything in here is compiled since OTHER does not exist

#undef <name>

Removes the define constant <name> if it exists.

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