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Shoebill.js is an npm package that handles local authentication as well as social media authentication using passport. This package is meant to be as similar to Ruby on Rails' Devise package. This also means that infrastructure is completely customizable, and you're not paying extra for authentication like with services like Firebase Auth or AWS…


Repository files navigation

Thank you for using Shoebill.js:


* lightweight and modular authentication
* already setup encryption and sessions
* plugin and use different features such as local authentication, google authentication, facebook authentication, and more (coming soon) easily through a single command using our api
* lists routes for ease of use

To install run the following command:

* npm install shoebilljs -g

To initially setup your project:

* cd into_your_project
* npm init
* npm install express mongoose passport body-parser express-session ejs bcryptjs chalk 
* shoebill start <entryfile.js> <~/the_absolute_path_of_your_local_repo> 
* if all files (listed below) are not automatically generated, run the above command again

To add a social media authentication:

* steps above must be completed
* shoebill add <social_media> <~/the_absolute_path_of_your_local_repo> , for instance shoebill add facebook ~/tumblrclone (currently we only support google and facebook oauth)
* in your views/index.ejs add <% include ./partials/<social_media>signin.ejs %>, for instance <% include ./partials/facebooksignin.ejs %>
* in your entryfile, just before app.use(express.static('public')), write: app.use('/auth/<socialmedai>/',require('./routes/<socialmedia>.routes')); for instance app.use('/auth/facebook/',require('./routes/facebook.routes'));

Files that are created by shoebill start <entryfile.js> <~/the_absolute_path_of_your_local_repo>:

* Note: by running shoebill start you will overwrite any existing files by the below names
* model/user.model.js
* config/displayroutes.js - this file is used simply for viewing the available routes in the terminal
* routes/localuser.routes.js - this file is used for c.r.u.d functionalities for local users and to login
* views/index.ejs - this file is a template file for your homepage, including instructions to include premade signup or login partials in this homepage
* views/partials/signup.ejs - this file is a partial for a local signup form
* views/partials/signup.ejs - this file is a partial for a local login form
* views/profile.ejs - this file is a template file for your profile
* public/shoebill.css - this file is the styling linked in views/index.ejs
* ./<entryfile.js> - this file is created through the first parameter when you run shoebill start
* /routes/user.routes.js - this file contains the routes shared amongst all users, regardless of whether they were created locally or through oauth/passport
* ./key.js - this file contains the placeholder client_ids and secrets in the proper format, you must edit this file to use shoebill add <socialmedia>


* shoebill start <entryfile> <absolute__local_project_path> | shoebill start app.js ~/tumblrclone
* shoebill add <socialmedia> <absolute__local_project_path> | shoebill add facebook ~/tumblrclone, shoebill add google ~/tumblrclone


  • Create "list all routes" executable to list all available routes and methods upon request
  • Create "shoebill add google" executable for oauth 2.0 sign in
  • Create "shoebill add facebook" executable for oauth 2.0 sign in
  • Add posts resource, including ejs layout, models, and routes for this resource.
  • Add forgot password feature and mailing system for users
  • Bring API closer to Devise
  • Add React Native Android & IOS support


auth app example

* Some notes on this example app: * You can test it out by git cloning this repository, cd-ing into the repo, running npm install, and then node index.js * This example app took me about an hour in total, linking the authentication was fairly simple and went without any issues, though I did have to comment out the fs.existsSync from the entrypoint file after I ran shoebill add google and shoebill add facebook. Other than that, it was very simple to use and basically just involved styling.


Shoebill.js is an npm package that handles local authentication as well as social media authentication using passport. This package is meant to be as similar to Ruby on Rails' Devise package. This also means that infrastructure is completely customizable, and you're not paying extra for authentication like with services like Firebase Auth or AWS…






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