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The AbUsim project aims to provide an environment to simulate and test the AbU language. The core idea is to easily and automatically create and simulate a complex network of agents running AbU-lang.

This is achieved through the use of Docker. AbUsim provides a simple way to model the underlying network and its actors. It mimics the work of docker-compose, but in a specialized way.

Here a description of the simulator parts and an usage example.

AbU simulator

abusim is the main command to set up and execute the simulation. It is written in Go and built using go build.

It creates the AbU agents defined in a configuration file, a coordinator to interact (get/set memory, pause, step...) with the agents, the data and control network, and, optionally, a GUI (served as a web application).

It assumes a running instance of the Docker daemon on the host machine. Moreover, the Docker images of the agent, coordinator and GUI needs to be found on the machine. These can be built using the script in the relevant directories.

Usage of abusim:
  -c string
        configuration file (default "abusim.yml")
  -g    spawn GUI with simulator
  -gui-image string
        GUI docker image (default "abusim-gui")
  -gui-port int
        GUI docker port (default 8080)

abusim is always run with a subcommand:

  • up, to create the environment. The default behaviour is to create the environment, show the logs and finally destroying it. To prevent this, use the additional flag is -d (detached), to run the command and release the console.
  • down, to destroy the environment.
  • logs, to get the logs of the running containers (except the GUI). To continue showing the incoming log lines use the -f (follow) flag.

Configuration file

The configuration is provided via YAML files.

The syntax is the following:

  • version, to specify a configuration version (at the moment must be "1.0").
  • image, to specify the docker image for the agents.
  • coordinator_image, to specify the docker image for the coordinator.
  • namespace, to define a prefix for all containers and networks of the simulation.
  • includes, a list of files to append to the configuration. Included files are only considered in terms of version, agents and prototypes. Every other field is ignored.
  • agents, a dictionary of agents.
  • prototypes, a dictionary of prototypes.

A prototype is a mean to define a common structure for similar agents. It is formed by several fields:

  • memory_controller, to define the controller for the memory, i.e. the implementation. At the moment the only valid controller is basic (i.e. the usual data types: bool, integer, float, text and time).
  • tick, to define the refresh rate, i.e. the minimum time between two Exec() (default 1s).
  • memory, a list of strings representing the variables. The string must be in the format <type>:<identifier>[:<initialization_value>], where [...] denotes an optional argument.
  • rules, a list of rules, according to the language specification.

An agent is so defined:

  • prototype, optional, to define a prototype to specialize the agent from.
  • any field from the prototype definition, optional. These fields have priority over the prototype ones, e.g. if the prototype defines the variable k to have value pluto and the agents redefines it as pippo, the valid initialization value will be pippo.

Graphical User Interface

The GUI is a web application. The default URL is http://localhost:8080

The GUI interface is self-explanatory, but a couple things may be added:

  • every interaction is done via the plus button on the bottom right. This allows for configuration loading and unloading, data refreshing and access to settings.
  • Partial configuration are allowed. If a partial configuration (i.e., a include) is uploaded, only agents defined there are showed.
  • The Explore tab shows the exact configuration of the agent at the moment of creation.

The Interact tab shows a card for each agent. Inside of it the agent state (memory and pool) and all of the interaction possibilities are presented.

The upper bar allows for:

  • pausing/resuming the Exec() for the agent.
  • stepping a single Exec().
  • performing an Input() on the agent.
  • setting the verbosity level.

AbU environment

abusim-environment, that is part of the abusim-core package, provides the script to execute an environment for the simulation. It is written in Python3 and can be run with the python interpreter.

Its goal is to simulate a physical environment for the simulation. For example, it can automatically change the temperature registered on a sensor agent as the change comes from a physical termocouple.

It is configured directely by editing the script, between the tags BEGIN user defined code and END user defined code.

The customization is done via env.on('<agent>', '<variable>', <tick>, <action_callback>). This means that every <tick> seconds the value of the <variable> of the <agent> is retrieved from the coordinator and <action_callback> is executed.

<action_callback> will be called with two arguments: the value of the <variable> and the set of all the values of the variables of the agent.

To decorate the callback with other values it is possible to use higher-order functions:

def decorator(var):
    def callback(value, values):
        # `var` is available here
    return callback

env.on('ag1', 'var1', 10, decorate('pippo'))

Inside the callbacks two functions are useful:

  • env.get_variables('<other_agent>'), to get the values of the variables of another agent.
  • env.post_input('<other_agent>', '<command>'), to modify, according to <command>, the state of another agent.

The provided example modifies the temperature of a room according to the HVAC status (increasing or decreasing temperature).


The repository provides an example.

We provide the Docker images for the GUI, the coordinator and the agent on DockerHub. To get them use:

docker pull abulang/abusim-gui:latest
docker pull abulang/abusim-coordinator:latest
docker pull abulang/abusim-goabu-agent:latest

If you prefer, you can build them yourself with the script in the relevant folders:

  • The GUI is in this repository, in the gui directory
  • The Coordinator is in the abusim-core repository, in the abusim-coordinator directory
  • The Agent (implemented with goabu) is in the abusim-goabu-agent repository

Then move to the abusim folder and run:

go build && ./abusim -c ../example/abusim.yml -g up

to start the simulation.

To start the environment run the Python3 script provided in the abusim-core repository, in the abusim-environment directory.

The GUI is at http://localhost:8080

To stop the simulation just send SIGINT (Ctrl-C) to the simulator and environment.


Environment to simulate and test the AbU language







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