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Day 21: Monkey Math


I loved this puzzle! It was one of those where I solved part 1 at night, looked at part 2 and realized that brute force wouldn't work, and then went to sleep with ideas about how to solve it swirling around. But it was such a gratifying program to solve that I'm happy to have give myself time to sleep on it.

Part One

Oh, those silly monkeys are at it again! We need to figure out which value the "root" monkey yells out, based on what he hears from the other monkeys.

Preparations and parsing

To start, let's figure out the shape of our application state that we'll use in all of our major functions. I chose a map with two keys -- for monkeys whose numeric yell value we haven't calculated yet, the :monkeys key will point to a map of each monkey name to its dependent child monkeys and the operator to act on them; for monkeys whose numeric yell value we have calculated, the :values key will point to a map of the monkey name to its value.

{:monkeys {:name {:dependencies [],
                  :op s}},
 :values {}}`

Before we implement the parse-input function, though, I want to introduce a few helper functions. We'll use these throughout the code, including in the parse-input function itself, to make it all a bit easier to read.

(def root "root")
(def human "humn")
(defn op->fn [s] ({"+" +, "-" -, "*" *, "/" quot, "=" =} s))

(defn dependencies-of [state name]
  (get-in state [:monkeys name :dependencies]))

(defn value-of [{:keys [values]} name]
  (or (values name) name))

(defn delete-monkey [state name]
  (update state :monkeys dissoc name))

(defn record-monkey-value [state name value]
  (-> state
      (delete-monkey name)
      (assoc-in [:values name] value)))

(defn record-monkey-deps [state name deps]
  (assoc-in state [:monkeys name :dependencies] deps))

root and human refer to the names of specific monkeys. We haven't seen the need to look at the humn monkey yet, but we will in part 2. op->fn maps a single character string for the yelling operator into its actual Clojure function; note the use of the quot function for division. dependencies-of just searches for the dependent monkeys that one monkey will observe. value-of takes in the state and a monkey name, and either returns its yelling value from the :values map, if known, or else the name again; this is a great place where the or function takes in multiple values and returns the first non-nil one. delete-monkey just removes a monkey from the :monkeys map. record-monkey-value will be called once we know what a monkey will yell, and includes calling delete-monkey in case the monkey was previously "unknown." And finally, record-monkey-deps updates the dependent values that a monkey has.

Ok, now we're ready to parse the input.

(defn parse-input [input]
  (reduce (fn [acc line] (let [name (subs line 0 4)
                               instruction (subs line 6)]
                           (if-some [n (parse-long instruction)]
                             (record-monkey-value acc name n)
                             (let [[m1 op m2] (str/split instruction #" ")]
                               (assoc-in acc [:monkeys name] {:dependencies [m1 m2] :op op})))))
          {:monkeys {} :values {}}
          (str/split-lines input)))

The basis of this is a single reduce function, starting with the empty map of monkeys and values, and operating over the split lines of the input string. Then for each line, we strip it into two strings: the name (first four characters), and the instruction (everything after the colon and space). If the instruction is a number, in which case parse-long returns a non-nil value, we associate that monkey name with its value using record-monkey-value. If not, we split the instruction into three parts -- the first child monkey, the operator, and the second child monkey -- and we associate into the :monkeys map another map with the :dependencies (the two child monkeys) and the :op operator string.

Alright, let's get to work.

Solving the actual problem

Almost all the relevant work for part 1 sits in the simplify function, which takes in the parsed state and identifies as many monkey yelling values as possible. If a monkey depends on two monkeys with known numeric values, we call record-monkey-value to make that monkey's value also known by operating on the function in the proper order. This should all culminate in the root monkey defining its value.

(defn simplify
  ([state] (simplify state root))
  ([state name]
   (if (get-in state [:values name])
     (let [deps (dependencies-of state name)
           state' (reduce simplify state deps)
           values' (map (partial value-of state') deps)
           op (get-in state' [:monkeys name :op])]
       (if (every? number? values')
         (record-monkey-value state' name (apply (op->fn op) values'))
         (record-monkey-deps state' name values'))))))

Since the input isn't too large this time around, I used a depth-first recursive search instead of the more space-efficient depth-first search. The function provides two arities, the one just using the default starting node of root for convenience. At each node, we first check to see if the monkey value is known; if so, we don't return that value, but instead the current state since it cannot be simplified at this leaf node. Otherwise, we get the monkey's dependencies and call (reduce simplify state deps) to invoke the simplify function on each monkey, feeding each of their simplifications back into the running state, which we then bind to state'. We then extract out the values of the now-simplified model for the two children, as well as the operation to perform. If both numbers are numeric, then we have all the information we need to call record-monkey-value by applying op->fn for the operator onto the two numeric values. If one or both are not numeric for some reason, then just update the dependencies and move on.

With this complete, we're ready to implement our very simple part1 function.

(defn part1 [input]
  (-> (parse-input input)
      (get-in [:values root])))

We parse the input, simplify it down until every monkey has a value, and then grab the value for the root monkey.

Part Two

The approach

This part requires a slightly different approach, since we no longer what the humn monkey yelled, and in a cruel twist of fate, we learn that we're the humn monkeys! Take that, creationists! With the root monkey forced to use an equality operator, we need to determine what the human monkey should yell.

When I originally approached this problem, I thought about it the complete wrong direction. Namely, I thought that if the map of unresolved monkeys were a tree or an equation, then we should start from the innermost element of the equation, since algebraically that would be the inside of a pair of parentheses. It turns out that no, this is the complete opposite approach from what we need. Rather, after simplifying the numeric monkeys with the existing simplify function, we need to keep on pulling data from the outside of the equation, until all that's left is the humn monkey.

Let's take an example, using the structure of the original input instead of my map.

root: aaaa = bbbb
aaaa: cccc + dddd
cccc: 3
dddd: 7
bbbb: eeee - ffff
eeee: 14
ffff: humn / gggg
gggg: 5

First, we do some simplifications, since aaaa can quickly become 10, and then that can find its way into the root definition too. Likewise, we can fully resolve eeee into bbbb, and gggg into ffff.

root: 10 = bbbb
bbbb: 14 - ffff
ffff: humn / 5

First off, we can now recognize that every node other than the root should have one number and one monkey name, since there is only one unknown monkey, and any pair of known monkeys would already have been simplified. So now we keep looking at the root equation, and we solve for whatever the unknown child monkey value is. To solve the equation 10 = bbbb = 14 - ffff for ffff, we do some manipulation to end up with ffff = 14 - 10, and we redefine the root.

root: ffff = 4
ffff: humn / 5

We do the same thing again, solving ffff = 4 = humn / 5 into humn = 4 * 5, defining humn as 20.

root: humn = 20

At each step, we redefine the root equation by operating on the child value, and pulling up the grandchild's monkey name up to the root equation. So let's do it!

Merging nodes up

Let's focus on how to merge a child node into the root parent node, using merged-numeric-value. I chose to pass in all the data, rather than the state, so it'd be easier to reason with.

(defn merged-numeric-value [parent-number child-number child-number-first? child-op]
    (= child-op "+")                           (- parent-number child-number)
    (= child-op "*")                           (quot parent-number child-number)
    (and (= child-op "-") child-number-first?) (- child-number parent-number)
    (= child-op "-")                           (+ parent-number child-number)
    child-number-first?                        (quot child-number parent-number)
    :else                                      (* parent-number child-number)))

The function takes in four parameters:

  • parent-number is the numeric value on one side of the root node.
  • child-number is the numeric value on one side of the referred child node. The other side will have the grandchild's node name.
  • child-number-first? is a boolean value that says whether the child number comes before or after the grandchild's node name. This is important for the non-commutative functions of - and /.
  • child-op the string of the operator to apply to the two children.

Addition and multiplication are both commutative, so we don't care which child argument comes first. We pull these values up by using subtraction or multiplication between the parent number and the child number.

root:       10 = aaaa            root:       30 = cccc
aaaa:        3 + bbbb            cccc:     dddd * 5
---------------------            ---------------------
root: (10 - 3) = bbbb            root: (30 / 5) = dddd

Subtraction and division are a little tricky, because whether the child number comes first or second determines how to solve the equation. A little napkin math will show when subtraction gets resolved using addition or subtraction, and when division will get resolved using either multiplication or division.

For subtraction:

root:      10 = aaaa             root:       10 = cccc
aaaa:      18 - bbbb             cccc:     dddd - 7 
--------------------             ---------------------
root: (18-10) = bbbb             root: (10 + 7) = dddd
      subtraction                       addition

For division:

root:      6 = aaaa              root:     6 = cccc
aaaa:     18 / bbbb              cccc:  dddd / 4 
-------------------              --------------------
root: (18/6) = bbbb              root: (6*4) = dddd
      division                         multiplication

With that math out of the way, let's get back to our program.

Finishing the puzzle

We now know how to merge a child node into the root once all the data is prepared, so now we need to drive the logic to get to that merged-numeric-value function. For that, we'll use the adjust-for-equality function.

(defn adjust-for-equality [state]
  (let [[d1 d2] (dependencies-of state root)
        left-numeric? (number? d1)
        child-node-name (if left-numeric? d2 d1)
        numeric-value (if left-numeric? d1 d2)]
    (if-some [{child-deps :dependencies, child-op :op} (get-in state [:monkeys child-node-name])]
      (let [[child-d1 child-d2] child-deps
            left-child-numeric? (number? child-d1)
            grandchild-node-name (if left-child-numeric? child-d2 child-d1)
            child-numeric-value (if left-child-numeric? child-d1 child-d2)
            merged-value (merged-numeric-value numeric-value child-numeric-value left-child-numeric? child-op)]
        (recur (-> state
                   (delete-monkey child-node-name)
                   (record-monkey-deps root [grandchild-node-name merged-value]))))

      ; If there is no child, then this is the terminal match on the equality, so bind it.
      (record-monkey-value state child-node-name numeric-value))))

I originally checked to ensure that the state included a root monkey with an = operator, but I stripped that out for brevity. The goal now is to determine which side if the root node has a monkey name versus a number, and the left-numeric? boolean will drive where to find the child-node-name and numeric-value bindings. Then we check to see if the child-node-name refers to a known monkey (an intermediate one that eventually points to the humn) or an unknown monkey (me, the human). If it's the human, then we can record that the humn monkey has the same value as the other side of the equation, at which point we call record-monkey-value to have a complete state.

If not, then we need to prepare data to call merged-numeric-value, so we'll again create a left-child-numeric? boolean, and use that to find the grandchild-node-name and child-numeric-value bindings. Then we call the above merged-value function with our data, delete the intermediate monkey (sorry, buddy, but we don't care about you), and redefine the dependencies of the root with the merged value and the name of the grandchild node.

Finally, let's put it all together with the part2 function, which I will not be merging into a shared solve function.

(defn part2 [input]
  (-> (parse-input input)
      (assoc-in [:monkeys root :op] "=")
      (update :values dissoc human)
      (get-in [:values human])))

Now we parse the input, force the root monkey to use the = operator, and forget what we should the human monkey would be yelling. Then we call simplify and adjust-for-equality, and then pull out the value of the human monkey to get to our answer.