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ac486 edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 9 revisions

This page will allow for users to edit their account information.

User Story

As an account owner, I can changed my password, email, username, and name so that I can update my account.

As an administrator, I can access and change a users information for them if they are having issues.


Scenario 1: Edit Profile
Given that the user has an account, and he/she decides to update information, he/she may click on the profile button and edit the fields to which they want to change.

Scenario 2: Change Password
Given that the user had an account, and would like to change their password, he/she may click on the profile button, enter current password and enter a new one following minimum requirements.

Scenario 3: Administrative Change
Given that the admin has taken over the users account remotely and in the event that they are troubleshooting a user account, he or she may be able to edit the users information for them with the profile button. This can still be done through the admin's side with the registered users list.

