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acadet edited this page Oct 13, 2014 · 4 revisions

Oscar is really easy to use. Have a look at this short example:

class MyTestClass extends UnitTestClass {

    firstTest() : void {
        // ... AAA stuff

    secondTest() : void {
        // ... another AAA stuff

Some first points to note:

  • Your test class has to extend UnitTestClass.
  • Each method ended by test word is considered as a test method to run.

Alright, you have defined your first class. Now, how to launch it? It is also very simple:

var suite : TestSuite;
suite = new TestSuite();
suite.add(new MyTestClass());;

Add each test class you want to run to your suite, then start engining. Oscar is able to launch every test you defined and creates a report.

Wonderful! From now on, you know how to deal with Oscar!

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