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Anderson Chaves Carniel edited this page Apr 6, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the FIFUS wiki!

See Yourself an Application using FIFUS. We firstly recommend the reading of its manual.

Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) have received increasing interest in geographical, political, and economical applications such as agricultural cultivation, disaster management, and industrial settlement. For instance, farmers want to know what the best farmland areas are to grow a specific crop, political decision makers want to know what the areas are that should be protected based on risk zones, and companies would like to know the best location to place a new production facility. In many cases, the spatial phenomena of interest have a vague and imprecise extent and can be adequately represented by fuzzy spatial objects such as fuzzy regions.

Here, we propose a general-purpose model named Fuzzy Inference on Fuzzy Spatial Objects (FIFUS) that incorporates fuzzy spatial objects into its inference strategy and supplies the user with recommendations, estimations, and predictions based on fuzzy inference rules and expert knowledge. It offers the following benefits: (i) it provides a formal way to model an SDSS problem, (ii) it incorporates an adequate representation of spatial fuzziness provided by fuzzy spatial objects into concepts of fuzzy inference systems by extending the fuzzy inference engine, and (iii) it is a general-purpose model which can be applied to many spatial applications.

We demonstrate the applicability of FIFUS by the implementation of a hypothetical agricultural application. This application can be accessed here. More details about the problem of this application and how to use the implemented application are in the pages located in the menu. Please, feel free to navigate in the menu located on the left side of this page, access the manual of this application, and then use an application that employs FIFUS.