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Testing for Community Organization flows

Justin Obara edited this page Mar 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

Home page

Please use the home page to learn more about how this website works, and what can be done here.

  • Go through the main page and select the link “Community Organizations”
  • Select the links for learning more about being an Accessibility Consultant and Community Connector.
  • Once you have reviewed these pages go back to the home page.

Create account

Please go through the create account process to make your account.

  • From the home page, please make an account for your organization.
  • When you get to a step “Who you’re joining as”, make sure to select “Community Organization”
  • You have completed this step when you have verified your email, created your organization, and ended up on your dashboard.

Set up your account

Set your website accessibility preferences

  • Go to settings, and go to “website accessibility preferences”.
  • You can experiment with the accessibility preferences on this page, including contrast themes and a basic text to speech feature.

Create your page

  • Under “quick links”, please click “my organization’s page”. Please fill out your public page from here and save.
  • You are done with this step once you have filled out everything that is required, and saved.

Verify your account

  • For testing purposes, log into the admin back end and go to manage accounts. Approve your own account. This is a stand in for the user going through the orientation process and application process for the Accessibility Consultant and Community Connector role.
  • You are done this step when your user account has been approved, and you received a verification email.

Publish your page

Once you have received an email notification confirming that your account has been approved, you can go ahead and publish your page.

  • Go to edit your public page
  • Publish your page
  • You are done this step when you land on your published public page.

Create a project

From the projects page, please create a project page. This can be an example project, just for the purposes of testing this website.

  • Once you have completed all the steps, you can preview and publish the project.
  • You are done with this task when you have published your project page, and landed on your newly published project page.

Create engagements

  • From your Manage Projects page, you can create engagements for your project. This can be an example engagement, just for the purposes of testing this website.
  • From your published project page, please go to your Manage Project page.
  • On the Manage project page, please create an engagement for this project.
  • Please create an engagement that engages individuals with lived experiences of being disabled or Deaf.
  • You are done with this step when you have gone through all the steps and you are taken to the Manage Engagement page.

Manage your engagements

Now that you’ve created your engagement, you can use the Manage Engagement page to edit and add information about your engagements.

Fill in your engagement details

  • On the Manage engagement page, please fill in your engagement details. You are done with this step when you have saved your engagement details.
  • If your engagement is a focus group, workshop, or other - in person or virtual meeting, you will also have to add at least one meeting.
  • Don’t worry about publishing this page yet, you will not be able to publish until you complete a few more steps.

Get an estimate and sign an agreement

At this point, you are ready to get an estimate for how much your engagement will cost before you confirm and proceed.

  • Go to Manage project, the estimates and agreements tab.
  • Make sure all the engagements you've made are listed there, and request an estimate. If an engagement isn't there, go back to the engagements you've made and make sure all the information in the engagement details have been filled out. If you have any engagements that is a focus group, workshop, or other - in person or virtual meeting, you will also have to make sure there is at least one meeting added.
  • Just for testing purposes, log into the website as an admin. Go to estimates and agreements, find your estimate request, and:
    • Mark the estimate as returned
    • Mark the agreement as received
  • Log back into your community organization account, go back to the estimates and agreements page. Mark the estimate as approved. This is a stand in for the actual estimates & agreements approval process.
  • You are done with this step once you approve your estimate, and get an email notification confirming that your agreement has been received.

Publish your engagement

  • Go back to the manage engagement page. There should be a tag under engagement details that says "ready to publish". Click into this page, and publish the engagement details.
  • You are done this step when you go back to the manage engagement page, and the engagement details module has changed to the published state. It contains a button to copy the engagement details page link.

If your engagement is using a Community Connector

  • On the Manage Engagement page, please add [sample community connector name] at [sample community connector email] as your community connector.
  • You are done with this step when [sample community connector name] appears on your “Manage Engagement” page as your community connector.

Browse all projects

Check out the projects on this website.

  • On the navigation bar, select the “Projects” tab.
  • Click the “browse all projects” button.
  • Use the available filters and test the functionality by filtering.
  • Select and open any of the available projects and review its content.

Browse other people and organizations

Check out who else is on this website.

  • On the navigation bar, select the “People and organizations” tab.
  • Select the link “Browse Federally Regulated Organizations” and "Browse Individuals".
  • Select and open any of the available organizations and review their pages.

Take a course

Go to course

  • From the top navigation, go to “Resources and training“.
  • Under “Featured trainings“, select the “Sample course“.

Watch modules

  • Under “Modules“ open the first module.
  • Watch the entire video.
  • Click “Back > Sample course“ to return to the course page.
    • The module should have a “completed“ badge.
  • Open the second module.
  • Watch the first 1 or 2 seconds and pause the video.
  • Click “Back > Sample course“ to return to the course page.
    • The module should have an “in progress“ badge.

Check progress in My trainings

  • From the top navigation, go to “Dashboard“.
  • From the “Quick links“, go to “My trainings“.
    • The “Sample course“ should be under “In progress“.

Complete course

  • Open the “Sample course“
  • Complete watching all of the modules and return to the “Sample course“ page
    • Under “Quiz“, “Take Quiz“ should now be available.

Take quiz

NOTE: All of the questions are correctly answered by selecting the last two options.

  • Click “Take Quiz“.
  • Skip answering some of the questions and click “Submit“.
    • The unanswered questions should be indicated.
  • Answer all questions, with two or more answered incorrectly, and click “Submit“.
    • The score will be displayed at the top.
    • The wrong and correct answers should indicated.
  • Correct the wrong answers and re-submit the quiz
    • The quiz results are displayed.
    • A confirmation e-mail certifying your successful completion should have been e-mailed.

Return to course page

  • Click “Back to training home page“.
  • A button to resend the e-mail confirmation should appear at the top.
  • The “Quiz“ section should no longer be available.

Check updated progress in My trainings

  • From the top navigation, go to “Dashboard“.
  • From the “Quick links“, go to “My trainings“.
  • The “Sample course“ should be under “Completed“.