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Accessible Modals

JS for quickly making any modals accessibility friendly. The script adds a new property on the window called a11yModal exposing several methods for managing modal dialogs.

For information on the accessibility of modals visit here.

Interactive Demo

Checkout the interactive demo here.

Modal Hierarchy

  • Modal Layer
    • Modal Container
      • Modal
    • Modal Container
      • Modal
    • Modal Container
      • Modal

Getting Started

Step 1 - Add a root modal layer

Any modals you wish to display should be placed within this modal layer. Multiple modals and nested modals are supported.

<div class="a11y-modal-layer a11y-hidden">
  // Modal containers go here.

Step 2 - Add a modal container to the root layer

Now with your root layer configured you can add a modal container to the root layer. Whether you are implemented multiple independent modals or a series of nested modals ALL modal containers are placed in the root of the modal layer.

<div class="a11y-modal-container">
  <div class="a11y-modal" id="accessible-demo-modal" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="modal-title">
    <div class="a11y-modal-banner">
      <h1 class="a11y-modal-title" id="modal-title">Modal Title</h1>
    <div class="a11y-modal-content">
    <div class="a11y-modal-footer">
      <button type="button" class="a11y-modal-dismiss">Cancel</button>

In order to proper implement acessible modals you need to ensure you properly indicate that your modal is fulfilling the dialog role. The a11y-modal-container contains an element with the class a11y-modal which is marked with the requisit html attributes to indicate its intending purpose as a dialog element. You can see the following attributes are applied.

  • role="dialog"
  • aria-modal="true"
  • aria-labelledby="[INSERT MODAL TITLE ID]"

Of the three attributes above only aria-labelledby needs to be configured per modal. The modal markup contains an h1 element with and id of a11y-modal-title continuing are example the aria-labelledby attribute for our example modal would be set to a11y-modal-title.

Nested Modals

If you want to open modals from within other modals you simply have to add your nested modals markup to the root of the modal layer then either programmatically open it using or add a button toggle to the markup of another modal. If a modal is already open when open is called for this new modal if will automatically open in front of the already opened modal and trap focus in the new modal.

For example if using the markup from our getting started guide all you need to do is simply modify the modal footer to the following markup.

<div class="a11y-modal-footer">
  <button type="button" class="modal-toggle" data-target="accessible-demo-modal-sub">Open Sub Modal</button>
  <button type="button" class="a11y-modal-dismiss">Cancel</button>

Now the user has the option to either dismiss the first modal or open up the nested modal. You can freely continue to nest modals more deeply as focus will automatically be trapped to the new open modal instance and then promptly returned to the preceding instance once the nested modal is dismissed.

Modal Manager

Method Parameters Description
configure modalIdentifier Creates a new modal instance if an instance exists nothing is done
open modalIdentifier Opens the specified modal within the modal layer
close modalInstance Closes the specified modal within the modal layer