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ANGULAR PAGINATION / ng-pagination

Pagination directive for angular (1.x.x).

Our key features

  • nice UI with fixed count of elements, so your pagination never broke the design if you have a large amount of pages; you can try this feature on demo page
  • saving current page to url query and use this on reload
  • css free - you can stylize directive as you want
  • separators and navigation arrows
  • lightweight, only 2.42 KB, this's cool, right? ;)
  • that's all folks!


01 Installation

To install ng-pagination you can use npm

npm install ng-pagination

or copy directive.pagination.js file from dist folder on github.

02 Embeding

Embed script to your HTML document anywhere after angular script:

<script src="path/to/directive.pagination.js"></script>

Write activation method in your angular controller. It will be called each time when current page changed, so you can load and show new portion of your data. Also activation method will be called once after directive initialized:

  .controller('CustomController', ['$scope', customController]);

function customController($scope) {
  $scope.custom = {
    itemsCount: 42,
    take: 10,
    activatePage: activatePage
  function activatePage(page) {
    // TODO: here you should process changing of current page

Insert pagination directive into your markup:

<pagination count="custom.itemsCount" take="custom.take" activate="custom.activatePage"></pagination>


Directive have 3 required attributes: count, take and activate.

  • count - total number of items that your want to paginate
  • take - number of items per page
  • activate - function that will be called when current page changed, also called once after directive initialized

Optional attributes:

  • max-size - maximum count of elemetns (default = 11, min = 7)
  • hide-arrows - hide navigation arrows (default = false)

You can configure template - find template function in directive file.


You can see demo and code


If you find error or want improve something, feel free to create issues and pull requests.


Licensed under MIT.