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Platform Specific Deployment

Jim Tang edited this page Sep 5, 2012 · 4 revisions

Platform-Specific Deployment

The instructions that follow assume that you have completed the development phase of an Enyo-based application as well as the optimization phase (i.e., running the deploy script and removing any unnecessary files from the project) and that you are now ready to create a final product for deployment to your platform of choice.

Deploying as a Mobile Application

Deploying to iOS Using PhoneGap

  1. Follow the instructions in the PhoneGap Getting Started Guide to install PhoneGap and create a basic iOS PhoneGap app.

  2. Now drop your Enyo-based app files into the www directory created in step 1.

  3. Add the following meta tag to index.html for proper display on device:

    <meta name="viewport"; content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />

From here you can follow the instructions in the PhoneGap Getting Started Guide to deploy to the simulator or device. To submit your app to the Apple App Store, you'll need to sign up for a developer account and review the documentation provided at

Finally, if your project requires access to PhoneGap's native functionality, follow the directions in Making Use of PhoneGap’s Native Functions.

Deploying to Android Using PhoneGap

  1. Follow the instructions in the PhoneGap Getting Started Guide to install PhoneGap and create a basic Android PhoneGap app.

  2. Now drop your Enyo-based app files into the www directory created in step 1.

  3. Add the following meta tag to index.html for proper display on device:

    <meta name="viewport"; content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />

From here you can follow the instructions in the PhoneGap Getting Started Guide to deploy to the emulator or device. To publish your app on Google Play, you'll need to sign up for a developer account and review the documentation provided at

Finally, if your project requires access to PhoneGap's native functionality, follow the directions in Making Use of PhoneGap’s Native Functions.

Deploying as a Mobile App Using PhoneGap Build

  1. Create a zip file of your project.

  2. Upload the zip file into your PhoneGap Build application (follow the instructions on the Web site).

  3. PhoneGap Build outputs application packages for various platforms.

Deploying as a Google Chrome Application

  1. Create a manifest.json file in your application's root directory, e.g.:

     	"name": "Testplate",
     	"version": "1.0",
     	"manifest_version": 1,
     	"description": "Enyo extension.",
     	"app": {
     		"launch": {
     			"local_path": "index.html"
  2. In Google Chrome, choose Tools|Extensions, then pick Load Unpacked Extension and select your deployment folder (e.g., myapp-deploy).

  3. A generic application icon appears on your Chrome Apps page that will invoke this app.

  4. Refer to the Chrome documentation for more information on manifest files and the actual packaging of an application.

Deploying as an Installable Windows Application

(Note: These instructions make use of the Intel AppUp(TM) Encapsulator. We suggest that you use Encapsulator 1.0.)

  1. Create a zip file of your project. (Note: Make sure this zip contains only the project files and is not a zip of the project folder.)

  2. Fill in the fields on the Encapsulator tool as you like. When asked, choose the zip file from step 1.

  3. Press the Make It button.

  4. When the Encapsulator is done, it will produce a Windows setup file. Run this file to install your application as a native Windows app.

Additional Reading

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