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Leandro Rowies edited this page Nov 10, 2022 · 2 revisions

This structure represents a transaction that has been used to pay an invoice, debit note, etc. There may be multiple lines for the same transaction ID due to one transaction being used multiple times during allocations.


WSAllocationEntryDTO members

Name Type Description
AllocatedToTransactionID Int32 The unique transaction identifier
AllocatedToTransactionType String The transaction type in short version (SR, SN, PP, PN, etc.)
AllocatedToInternalNumber String Transaction internal number. Unique per transaction type.
AllocatedToExternalReference String External reference: this can be the transaction reference in a different filing system or a way to track back the provenance of the transaction.
AllocationAmount Decimal Amount of the payment that has been used to pay the invoice. If a 100e invoice exists and a 200e payment exists and 50e was used from that payment to pay against the invoice, this field will have 50e on it.
AllocationDate DateTime Date on which the allocation took place. This is, for instance, the PP's Creation Date.
AllocationId Int32 The unique identifier for the allocation
AllocationUserId Int32 The unique identifier of the user who created the allocation.
AllocationCreationDate Int32 The exact moment when the allocation was created by the system.
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