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Accura Cordova Plugin


Product Installation

Note: It is assumed that the developer already has a cordova application.

Add android plugin

$ cordova plugin add <absolute-path-to-(cordova-accura-kyc)-folder>


cordova plugin add I:\accura-cordova\custom-plugins\cordova-accura-kyc

Add dependencies

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file


  • External Storage Write (Requires if need debug logs)

Cordova Configurations

AccuraConfigrations: JSON Object

Option Type Default Description
enableLogs boolean false

if true logs will be enabled for the app.

make sure to disable logs in release mode

with_face boolean false need when using liveness or face match after ocr
face_uri URI Sting undefined Required when with_face = true
face_base64 Image base64 Sting undefined Required when with_face = true. You have to pass "face_uri" or "face_base64"
face1 boolean false need when using facematch with “with_face = false”

For Face1 set it to TRUE
face2 boolean false

need when using facematch with “with_face = false”

For Face2 set it to TRUE

rg_setBlurPercentage integer 62 0 for clean document and 100 for Blurry document
rg_setFaceBlurPercentage integer 70 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face
rg_setGlarePercentage_0 integer 6 Set min percentage for glare
rg_setGlarePercentage_1 integer 98 Set max percentage for glare
rg_isCheckPhotoCopy boolean false Set Photo Copy to allow photocopy document or not
rg_SetHologramDetection boolean true

Set Hologram detection to verify the hologram on the face

true to check hologram on face

rg_setLowLightTolerance integer 39 Set light tolerance to detect light on document
rg_setMotionThreshold integer 18

Set motion threshold to detect motion on camera document

1 - allows 1% motion on document and

100 - it can not detect motion and allow documents to scan.

rg_setMinFrameForValidate integer 3

Set min frame for qatar ID card for Most validated data. minFrame supports only odd numbers like 3,5...

rg_setCameraFacing integer 0 To set the front or back camera. allows 0,1
rg_setBackSide boolean false set true to use backside
rg_setEnableMediaPlayer boolean true false to disable default sound and default it is true
rg_customMediaURL string null if given a valid URL it will download the file and use it as an alert sound.
IS_SHOW_LOGO boolean true
SCAN_TITLE_OCR_FRONT string Scan Front Side of %s
SCAN_TITLE_OCR_BACK string Scan Back Side of %s
SCAN_TITLE_OCR string Scan %s
SCAN_TITLE_BANKCARD string Scan Bank Card
SCAN_TITLE_BARCODE string Scan Barcode
SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT string Scan Front Side of Document
SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK string Now Scan Back Side of Document
SCAN_TITLE_DLPLATE string Scan Number Plate
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MOTION string Keep Document Steady
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME string Keep document in frame
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BRING_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME string Bring card near to frame.
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BLUR_DOCUMENT string Blur detect in document
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE_BLUR string Blur detected over face
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_GLARE_DOCUMENT string Glare detect in document
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_HOLOGRAM string Hologram Detected
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DARK_DOCUMENT string Low lighting detected
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PHOTO_COPY_DOCUMENT string Can not accept Photo Copy Document
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE string Face not detected
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MRZ string MRZ not detected
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PASSPORT_MRZ string Passport MRZ not detected
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_ID_MRZ string ID card MRZ not detected
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_VISA_MRZ string Visa MRZ not detected
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_WRONG_SIDE string Scanning wrong side of document
ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_UPSIDE_DOWN_SIDE string Document is upside down. Place it properly

Liveness Configurations: JSON Object

Contact AccuraScan at for Liveness SDK or API

Option Type Default Description
feedbackTextSize integer 18
feedBackframeMessage string Frame Your Face
feedBackAwayMessage string Move Phone Away
feedBackOpenEyesMessage string Keep Your Eyes Open
feedBackCloserMessage string Move Phone Closer
feedBackCenterMessage string Move Phone Center
feedBackMultipleFaceMessage string Multiple Face Detected
feedBackHeadStraightMessage string Keep Your Head Straight
feedBackBlurFaceMessage string Blur Detected Over Face
feedBackGlareFaceMessage string Glare Detected
setBlurPercentage integer 80 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face or set it -1 to remove blur filter
setGlarePercentage_0 integer -1 Set min percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter
setGlarePercentage_1 integer -1 Set max percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter
isSaveImage boolean true
liveness_url URL string Your liveness url Required
contentType string form_data param type of your liveness API
livenessBackground color string #FFC4C4C5
livenessCloseIcon color string #FF000000
livenessfeedbackBg color string #00000000
livenessfeedbackText color string #FF000000
feedBackLowLightMessage string Low light detected
feedbackLowLightTolerence integer 39
feedBackStartMessage string Put your face inside the oval
feedBackLookLeftMessage string Look over your left shoulder
feedBackLookRightMessage string Look over your right shoulder
feedBackOralInfoMessage string Say each digits out loud
enableOralVerification boolean true
feedBackProcessingMessage string "Processing..."
isShowLogo boolean true For display watermark logo images
codeTextColor color string #FF000000

Face Match Configurations: JSON Object

Option Type Default Description
feedbackTextSize integer 18
feedBackframeMessage string Frame Your Face
feedBackAwayMessage string Move Phone Away
feedBackOpenEyesMessage string Keep Your Eyes Open
feedBackCloserMessage string Move Phone Closer
feedBackCenterMessage string Move Phone Center
feedBackMultipleFaceMessage string Multiple Face Detected
feedBackHeadStraightMessage string Keep Your Head Straight
feedBackBlurFaceMessage string Blur Detected Over Face
feedBackGlareFaceMessage string Glare Detected
feedBackProcessingMessage string "Processing..."
isShowLogo boolean true For display watermark logo images
setBlurPercentage integer 80 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face or set it -1 to remove blur filter
setGlarePercentage_0 integer -1 Set min percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter
setGlarePercentage_1 integer -1 Set max percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter
backGroundColor color string #FFC4C4C5
closeIconColor color string #FF000000
feedbackBackGroundColor color string #00000000
feedbackTextColor color string #FF000000


  • type: JSON Array
  • contents: CardItems
  • properties:
    • id: integer
    • name: string
    • Cards: JSON Array


  • type: JSON Array
  • contents: JSON Objects
  • properties:
    • id: integer
    • name: string
    • type: integer


  • type: JSON Array
  • contents: JSON Objects
  • properties:
    • name: string
    • type: integer

Recognition Types:

  • MRZ
  • OCR
  • PDF417

Mrz Types:

  • passport_mrz
  • id_mrz
  • visa_mrz
  • other_mrz

Mrz Country List:

  • all
  • IND,USA etc...

Cordova Methods

  • getMetadata(successCallback, errorCallback)

    • Success: JSON Response = {

      countries: Array[<CountryModels>],

      barcodes: Array[],

      isValid: boolean,

      isOCREnable: boolean,

      isBarcode: boolean,

      isBankCard: boolean,

      isMRZ: boolean,

      sdk_version: String


  • Error: String

  • setupAccuraConfig(config, successCallback, errorCallback)

    • config: JSON Object

    • Success: JSON Response = {"Messages setup successfully"}

    • Error: String

  • startMRZ(accuraConfigrations?, MRZType, CountryList, successCallback, errorCallback)

    • MRZType: String

      • default: other_mrz
    • CountryList: String

      • default: all or IND,USA
    • Success: JSON Response {

      front_data: JSONObjects?,

      back_data: JSONObjects?,

      type: Recognition Type,

      face: URI?

      front_img: URI?

      back_img: URI?


  • Error: String

  • startOcrWithCard(accuraConfigrations?,countryID, cardID, cardName,successCallback, errorCallback)

    • countryID: Integer

      • allowed: CountryModel<country_id>
    • cardID: Integer

      • allowed: CardItem<card_id>
    • cardName: CardItem<card_name>

    • Success: JSON Response {

      front_data: JSONObjects?,

      back_data: JSONObjects?,

      mrz_data: JSONObjects?,

      type: Recognition Type,

      face: URI?

      front_img: URI?

      back_img: URI?


  • Error: String

  • startBankCard(accuraConfigrations?, successCallback, errorCallback)

    • Success: JSON Response {

      front_data: JSONObjects?,

      back_data: JSONObjects?,

      type: Recognition Type,

      face: URI?

      front_img: URI?

      back_img: URI?


  • Error: String

  • startBarcode(accuraConfigrations?, type, successCallback, errorCallback)

    • type: BarcodeItem

    • Success: JSON Response {

      front_data: JSONObjects?,

      back_data: JSONObjects?,

      type: Recognition Type,

      face: URI?

      front_img: URI?

      back_img: URI?


  • Error: String

  • startLiveness(accuraConfigrations?, livenessConfigs, successCallback, errorCallback)

    • livenessConfigs: JSONObject?

    • Success: JSON Response {

      with_face: Boolean,

      status: Boolean,

      detect: URI?,

      image_uri: URI?,

      video_uri: URI?,

      fm_score: Float? (when with_face = true),

      score: Float,


  • Error: String

  • startFaceMatch(accuraConfigrations?, faceMatchConfigs, successCallback, errorCallback)

    • faceMatchConfigs: JSON Object?

    • Success: JSON Response {

      with_face: Boolean,

      status: Boolean,

      detect: URI? (when with_face = true),

      img_1: URI? (when with_face = false),

      img_2: URI? (when with_face = false),

      score: Float


  • Error: String


Plugin access in Javascript


In your cordova javascript event get plugin

document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);

var accura;

function onDeviceReady() {

     // Cordova is now initialized.

     accura = cordova.plugins.ACCURAService;


Usage Example

navigate into cordova/www directory

  1. html(index.html)

<!DOCTYPE html>

   <meta charset="utf-8">
   <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
   <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no">
   <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, width=device-width, viewport-fit=cover">
   <meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/index.css">
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/material-kit.css">
   <title>Accura KYC</title>
   <body style="background: white;overflow: hidden">

Add Navbar

    <div class="p-3 d-flex bg-danger justify-content-center justify-content-between">

     <h4 class="m-0 text-white font-weight-bold">Accura</h4>

     <button class="btn btn-light btn-round btn-secondary btn-sm position-absolute"


             width: 110px;

             right: 10px;

             top: 10px;"




Add button and contents

<div style="display:none;overflow: auto;height: 90%" class=" pt-2" id="main-div">

     <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">

         <button class="btn btn-rose ocr" style="width: 220px" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#country-modal">Start




     <div class="form-group p-2 border m-3 ocr">

         <h4>OCR With Country</h4>

         <div class="form-group">

             <label for="countries-1">Country</label>

             <select onchange="countrySelected=this.value" id="countries-1" class="form-control w-100">



         <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">

             <button class="btn btn-rose btn-block" style="width: 220px" onclick="startOcrWithCountry()">Start OCR With





     <div class="form-group p-2 m-3 border ocr">

         <h4>OCR With Card</h4>

         <div class="form-group col-md-3">

             <label for="countries-2">Country</label>

             <select onchange="countrySelectedForCard=this.value;getCards(countrySelectedForCard);" id="countries-2"




         <div class="form-group col-md-3">

             <label for="cards">Card</label>

             <select onchange="cardSelected=this.value" id="cards" class="form-control">



         <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">

             <button class="btn btn-rose btn-block" style="width: 220px" onclick="startOcrWithCard()">Start OCR With Card




     <div id="mrz-div" class="form-group p-2 m-3 border" style="display: none">


         <div class="form-group col-md-3">

             <label for="mrz-types">Type</label>

             <select id="mrz-types" onchange="mrzSelected = this.value" class="form-control">

                 <option value="passport_mrz">Passport</option>

                 <option value="id_mrz">ID Card</option>

                 <option value="visa_mrz">Visa</option>

                 <option selected value="other_mrz">All</option>



         <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">

             <button class="btn btn-rose btn-block" style="width: 220px" onclick="startMRZ()">Start MRZ</button>



     <div id="barcode-div" class="form-group p-2 m-3 border" style="display: none">


         <div class="form-group col-md-3">

             <label for="barcode-types">Type</label>

             <select onchange="barcodeSelected = this.value" id="barcode-types" class="form-control">



         <div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center">

             <button class="btn btn-rose btn-block" style="width: 220px" onclick="startBarcode()">Start Barcode</button>



     <div id="bank-div" style="display: flex" class="align-items-center justify-content-center">

         <button class="btn btn-rose btn-block" style="width: 220px" onclick="startBankCard()">Bank Card</button>


     <div style="display: flex" class="align-items-center justify-content-center ocr">

         <button class="btn btn-rose btn-block" style="width: 220px" onclick="startFaceMatch()">Face Match</button>


     <div style="display: flex" class="align-items-center justify-content-center mb-5 ocr">

         <button class="btn btn-rose btn-block" style="width: 220px" onclick="startLiveness()">Liveness</button>



Add Result Dialog

 	<div class="modal fade" id="result-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="result-modal-title"


     <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">

         <div class="modal-content">

             <div class="modal-header">

                 <h5 class="modal-title" id="result-modal-title">Accura</h5>

                 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">

                     <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>



             <div class="modal-body">


             <div class="modal-footer">

                 <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>





Add Face Match Dialog

 	 <div class="modal fade" id="fm-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="fm-title" aria-hidden="true">

     <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">

         <div class="modal-content">

             <div class="modal-header">

                 <h5 class="modal-title" id="fm-title">Accura Facematch</h5>

                 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">

                     <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>



             <div class="modal-body">

                 <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">

                     <div class="d-flex flex-column p-2 justify-content-between">

                         <img id="fm-1" src="img/fm.png" class="img-fluid" style="border-radius: 15px">

                         <button onclick="startFaceMatch(false, true, false)" class="mt-2 btn btn-danger btn-sm">Choose Face1</button>


                     <div class="d-flex flex-column p-2 justify-content-between">

                         <img id="fm-2" src="img/fm.png" class="img-fluid" style="border-radius: 15px">

                         <button onclick="startFaceMatch(false, false, true)" class="mt-2 btn btn-danger btn-sm">Choose Face2</button>



                 <h5 class="m-0" id="fm-standalone-score"></h5>


             <div class="modal-footer">

                 <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>





Add Liveness Dialog

<div class="modal fade" id="lv-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="fm-title" aria-hidden="true">

     <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">

         <div class="modal-content">

             <div class="modal-header">

                 <h5 class="modal-title">Accura Liveness</h5>

                 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">

                     <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>



             <div class="modal-body">


             <div class="modal-footer">

                 <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>





###Add Country Selection Dialog

<div class="modal fade" id="country-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="fm-title" aria-hidden="true">

     <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">

         <div class="modal-content">

             <div class="modal-header">

                 <h5 class="modal-title">Select Country</h5>

                 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">

                     <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>



             <div class="modal-body">





Add Card Selection Dialog

 		 <div class="modal fade" id="card-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="fm-title" aria-hidden="true">

     <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">

         <div class="modal-content">

             <div class="modal-header">

                 <h5 class="modal-title" id="card-title"></h5>

                 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">

                     <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>



             <div class="modal-body">





Add scripts

<script src="cordova.js"></script>

<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script src="js/popper.min.js"></script>

<script src="js/material-kit.min.js"></script>

<script src="js/bootstrap-material-design.min.js"></script>

<script src="js/sweetalert2.js"></script>

<script src="js/index.js"></script>


  1. CSS(index.css)

body {

     -webkit-touch-callout: none;                /\ prevent callout to copy image, etc when tap to hold \/

     -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;             /\ prevent webkit from resizing text to fit \/

     -webkit-user-select: none;                  /\ prevent copy paste, to allow, change 'none' to 'text' \/


     background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, #A7A7A7 0%, #E4E4E4 51%);

     font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, -apple-system-font, 'Segoe UI', 'Roboto', sans-serif;





     padding: env(safe-area-inset-top, 0px) env(safe-area-inset-right, 0px) env(safe-area-inset-bottom, 0px) env(safe-area-inset-left, 0px);




.country-card {

     cursor: pointer;

     background: red;

     color: white;

     padding: 10px 15px;

     max-width: 320px;

     border-radius: 15px;

     margin-bottom: 10px;

  1. javascript(index.js)

initialize Cordova

document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);

function onDeviceReady() {


     $('#orientation-btn').on('click', function () {

         var txt = $('#orientation-btn').text().trim().toLowerCase();

         if (txt.indexOf('landscape') !== -1) {



         } else {





     window.alert = function (m) {

             title: 'Accura',

             text: m,

             confirmButtonColor: 'red'



     accura = cordova.plugins.ACCURAService;

     console.log('Running cordova-' + cordova.platformId + '@' + cordova.version);



Call Metadata to fill forms

function getMetadata() {

     accura.getMetadata(function (results) {


         $('#countries-1, #countries-2, #country-modal .modal-body').empty();

         if (results.isValid) {

             alert('Licence Loaded');


             if (results.isOCR) {

                 if (results.countries.length > 0) {

                         countries = results.countries;

                     results.countries.forEach(function (country, i) {

                         var uid = i + '_' +;

                         if (i === 0) {

                             countrySelected = countrySelectedForCard = uid;



                         $('#countries-1, #countries-2').append(

                             '<option value="' + uid + '">' + + '</option>'


                         $('#country-modal .modal-body').append(

                             '<h5 onclick="getCardsModal(" class="country-card" id="' + i + '">' + + '</h5>'





             if (results.isMRZ) {



             if (results.isBarcode) {


                 results.barcodes.forEach(function (barcode, i) {

                     if (i === 0) {

                         barcodeSelected = barcode.type;



                         '<option value="' + barcode.type + '">' + + '</option>'




             if (results.isBankCard) {



         } else {

             alert('Licence is not Loaded');


     }, function (error) {




Call setupAccuraConfig for setup custom messages and setup of Accura SDK.

function setupAccuraConfig() {

    var language = 'en';
    var config = {
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MOTION: language == 'en' ? 'Keep Document Steady' : 'حافظ على ثبات المستند',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME: language == 'en' ? 'Keep document in frame' : 'احتفظ بالمستند في الإطار',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BRING_DOCUMENT_IN_FRAME: language == 'en' ?  'Bring card near to frame' : 'إحضار البطاقة بالقرب من الإطار',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PROCESSING: language == 'en' ?  'Processing…' : 'يعالج…',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_BLUR_DOCUMENT: language == 'en' ?  'Blur detect in document' : 'كشف التمويه في المستند',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE_BLUR: language == 'en' ?  'Blur detected over face' : 'تم الكشف عن ضبابية على الوجه',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_GLARE_DOCUMENT: language == 'en' ?  'Glare detect in document' : 'كشف الوهج في المستند',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_HOLOGRAM: language == 'en' ?  'Hologram Detected' : 'تم الكشف عن صورة ثلاثية الأبعاد', 
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_DARK_DOCUMENT: language == 'en' ?  'Low lighting detected' : 'تم الكشف عن إضاءة منخفضة',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PHOTO_COPY_DOCUMENT: language == 'en' ?  'Can not accept Photo Copy Document' : 'لا يمكن قبول مستند نسخ الصور',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_FACE: language == 'en' ?  'Face not detected' : 'لم يتم الكشف عن الوجه',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_MRZ: language == 'en' ?  'MRZ not detected' : 'لم يتم الكشف عن MRZ',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_PASSPORT_MRZ: language == 'en' ?  'Passport MRZ not detected' : 'لم يتم الكشف عن MRZ جواز سفر',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_ID_MRZ: language == 'en' ?  'ID card MRZ not detected' : 'لم يتم الكشف عن بطاقة الهوية MRZ',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_VISA_MRZ: language == 'en' ?  'Visa MRZ not detected' : 'لم يتم الكشف عن Visa MRZ',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_WRONG_SIDE: language == 'en' ?  'Scanning wrong side of document' : 'مسح الجانب الخطأ من المستند',
        ACCURA_ERROR_CODE_UPSIDE_DOWN_SIDE: language == 'en' ?  'Document is upside down. Place it properly' : 'المستند مقلوب. ضعه بشكل صحيح',
        IS_SHOW_LOGO: true,
        SCAN_TITLE_OCR_FRONT: language == 'en' ?  'Scan Front Side of OCR Document' : 'مسح الوجه الأمامي لمستند OCR',
        SCAN_TITLE_OCR_BACK: language == 'en' ?  'Scan Back Side of OCR Document' : 'مسح الجانب الخلفي من مستند OCR',
        SCAN_TITLE_OCR: language == 'en' ?  'Scan' : 'مسح',
        SCAN_TITLE_BANKCARD: language == 'en' ?  'Scan Bank Card' : 'مسح البطاقة المصرفية',
        SCAN_TITLE_BARCODE: language == 'en' ?  'Scan Barcode' : 'مسح الرمز الشريطى',
        SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_FRONT: language == 'en' ?  'Scan Front Side of Document' : 'مسح الوجه الأمامي للمستند',
        SCAN_TITLE_MRZ_PDF417_BACK: language == 'en' ?  'Now Scan Back Side of Document' : 'الآن مسح الجانب الخلفي من المستند',
        SCAN_TITLE_DLPLATE: language == 'en' ?  'Scan Number Plate' : 'مسح رقم اللوحة'
    accura.setupAccuraConfig( config, function (result) {
        console.log("Messgae:- ", result);
    }, function (error) {

Initialize cordova back button

 	document.addEventListener("backbutton", function () {

     if ($('#card-modal').hasClass('show')) {




     if ($('#country-modal').hasClass('show')) {




     if ($('#lv-modal').hasClass('show')) {




     if ($('#fm-modal').hasClass('show')) {




     if ($('#result-modal').hasClass('show')) {




         title: 'Do you want to Exit?',

         showCancelButton: true,

         confirmButtonText: `Exit`,

         confirmButtonColor: 'red'

     }).then((result) => {

         if (result.isConfirmed) {




}, false);

initialize common helper variables

var accura;

var loadingImg = <image path>;

var errorImg = <image path>

Initialize Country Selection

var countrySelectedId;

var countryCard;

function getCardsModal(id) {

     countryCard = countries[id].cards;

     countrySelectedId = countries[id].id;

     $('#card-title').text(countries[id].name + ": ");

     $('#card-modal .modal-body').empty();

     countryCard.forEach(function (card, i) {

         $('#card-modal .modal-body').append(

             '<h5 onclick="openForCard(" class="country-card" id="' + i + '">' + + '</h5>'




     setTimeout(function () {


     }, 300);


function openForCard(id) {



     var accuraConfs = {};

     accura.startOcrWithCard(accuraConfs, countrySelectedId, countryCard[id].id, countryCard[id].name, countryCard[id].type, function (results) {


     }, function (error) {




Initialize Card Selection

function startOcrWithCountry() {



Initialize Country with Card Selection

var countries = [];

var cards;

var countrySelected = '';

var countrySelectedForCard = '';

var cardSelected = '';

var mrzSelected = 'other_mrz';

var mrzCountryList = 'all';

var barcodeSelected = '';

function getCards(id) {

     id = id.split("_");

     cards = countries[id[0]].cards;


     cards.forEach(function (card, i) {

         var uid = i + '_' + + '_' + card.type;

         if (i === 0) {

             cardSelected = uid;



             '<option value="' + uid + '">' + + '</option>'




function startOcrWithCard() {

     var accuraConfs = {};

     var cardSlected = cards[cardSelected.split('_')[0]];





         function (results) {


         }, function (error) {




Initialize bankcard

function startBankCard() {

     var accuraConfs = {};

     accura.startBankCard(accuraConfs, function (results) {


     }, function (error) {




Initialize barcode

function startBarcode() {

   var accuraConfs = {};

   accura.startBarcode(accuraConfs, barcodeSelected, function (results) {


    }, function (error) {




Initialize Liveness

function startLiveness(withFace = false) {

     var accuraConfs = {with_face: withFace, face_uri: facematchURI};

     if (!withFace) {delete accuraConfs.face_uri;}

     var config = {

         feedbackTextSize: 18,

         feedBackframeMessage: 'Frame Your Face',

         feedBackAwayMessage: 'Move Phone Away',

         feedBackOpenEyesMessage: 'Keep Your Eyes Open',

         feedBackCloserMessage: 'Move Phone Closer',

         feedBackCenterMessage: 'Move Phone Center',

         feedBackMultipleFaceMessage: 'Multiple Face Detected',

         feedBackHeadStraightMessage: 'Keep Your Head Straight',

         feedBackBlurFaceMessage: 'Blur Detected Over Face',

         feedBackGlareFaceMessage: 'Glare Detected',

         // <!--// 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face or set it -1 to remove blur filter-->

         setBlurPercentage: 80,

         // <!--// Set min percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter-->

         setGlarePercentage_0: -1,

         // <!--// Set max percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter-->

         setGlarePercentage_1: -1,

         isSaveImage: true,

         liveness_url: '<your liveness url>',

         contentType: 'form_data',

         feedBackLowLightMessage: 'Low light detected',

         feedbackLowLightTolerence: 39,

         feedBackStartMessage: 'Put your face inside the oval',

         feedBackLookLeftMessage: 'Look over your left shoulder',

         feedBackLookRightMessage: 'Look over your right shoulder',

         feedBackOralInfoMessage: 'Say each digits out loud',

         enableOralVerification: true,

         livenessLeftRotatedYDegree: 180,

         livenessRightRotatedYDegree: 0,

         codeTextColor: 'white'


     $('#ls-score,#fm-score').text("0.00 %");

     accura.startLiveness(accuraConfs, config, function (result) {


         if (result.hasOwnProperty('status')) {

             if (result.status) {

                 if (result.with_face) {

                     $('#score-div').fadeIn('fast', function () {

                         $('#score-div').css('display', 'flex');


                     $('#ls-score').text(Number(result.score).toFixed(2) + ' %');

                     if (result.hasOwnProperty('detect')) {


                         getImage('detect-face', result.detect);



                     if (result.hasOwnProperty('fm_score')) {

                         $('#fm-score').text(Number(result.fm_score).toFixed(2) + ' %');




                 var html = '<h4>Liveness Results</h4>';

                 if (result.hasOwnProperty('image_uri')) {

                     window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(result.image_uri, function (fileEntry) {

                         fileEntry.file(function (file) {

                             var reader = new FileReader();

                             reader.onloadend = function () {


                                     '<h3>Liveness Image: </h3><img src="' + this.result + '" class="img-fluid">'


                                 $('#live_image').attr("src", this.result);


                             reader.onerror = function () {




                         }, function () {



                     }, function () {



                     html += '<div id="live_img_div"><h3>Liveness Image: </h3><img id="live_image" src="' + loadingImg + '"></div>'


                 if (result.hasOwnProperty('video_uri')) {

                     video_uri = result.video_uri;

                     html += '<div id="live_video" class="w-100">' + '<h3>Live Video: </h3>' +

                         '<button onclick="openVideoForPlay()" class="btn btn-rose">Play Live Video</button>' + '</div>'

                 } else {

                     video_uri = undefined;


                 html += '<h5>Liveness Score: ' + Number(result.score).toFixed(2) + ' %</h5>';

                 $('#lv-modal .modal-body').empty().append(







     }, function (error) {




var video_uri;

function openVideoForPlay() {

     if (video_uri === undefined) {

         alert("Video not found");



     var options = {

         errorCallback: function (errMsg) {



         shouldAutoClose: true,  // true(default)/false

         controls: true // true(default)/false. Used to hide controls on fullscreen


     window.plugins.streamingMedia.playVideo(video_uri, options);


Initialize face match

var facematchURI;

function startFaceMatch(withFace = false, face1 = false, face2 = false) {

     var accuraConfs = {with_face: withFace, face_uri: facematchURI};

     if (!withFace) {delete accuraConfs.face_uri;}

     if (face1) {face2 = false;}

     if (face2) {face1 = false;}

     accuraConfs.face1 = face1;

     accuraConfs.face2 = face2;

     var config = {

         feedbackTextSize: 18,

         feedBackframeMessage: 'Frame Your Face',

         feedBackAwayMessage: 'Move Phone Away',

         feedBackOpenEyesMessage: 'Keep Your Eyes Open',

         feedBackCloserMessage: 'Move Phone Closer',

         feedBackCenterMessage: 'Move Phone Center',

         feedBackMultipleFaceMessage: 'Multiple Face Detected',

         feedBackHeadStraightMessage: 'Keep Your Head Straight',

         feedBackBlurFaceMessage: 'Blur Detected Over Face',

         feedBackGlareFaceMessage: 'Glare Detected',

         // <!--// 0 for clean face and 100 for Blurry face or set it -1 to remove blur filter-->

         setBlurPercentage: 80,

         // <!--// Set min percentage for glare or set it -1 to remove glare filter-->

         setGlarePercentage_0: -1,

         setGlarePercentage_1: -1,


     $('#ls-score,#fm-score').text("0.00 %");

     accura.startFaceMatch(accuraConfs, config, function (result) {


         if (result.hasOwnProperty('status')) {

             if (result.status) {

                 if (result.with_face) {

                     $('#fm-score').text(Number(result.score).toFixed(2) + ' %');



                     getImage('detect-face', result.detect);

                     $('#score-div').fadeIn('fast', function () {

                         $('#score-div').css('display', 'flex');




                 if (result.hasOwnProperty('score')) {

                     $('#fm-standalone-score').text('Face Match: ' + Number(result.score).toFixed(2) + ' %');

                 } else {

                     $('#fm-standalone-score').text('0.0 %');


                 $('#fm-2, #fm-1').attr("src", loadingImg);

                 getImage('fm-1', result.img_1);

                 getImage('fm-2', result.img_2);

             } else {

                 if (result.hasOwnProperty('img_1')) {

                     $('#fm-1').attr("src", loadingImg);

                     getImage('fm-1', result.img_1);




     }, function (error) {




Initialize MRZ

function startMRZ() {

     var accuraConfigs = {};

     accura.startMRZ(accuraConfigs, mrzSelected, mrzCountryList, function (result) {


     }, function (error) {




Initialize Helper function

function generateResult(result) {


     var html = '';

     var sides = ["front_data", "back_data"];

     if (result.hasOwnProperty("face")) {

         html +=

             "<div id='face-div' class='d-flex justify-content-center'>" +

             "   <img id='face' src='" + loadingImg + "' class='img-fluid' style='max-height: 120px'>" +

             "   <img id='detect-face' src='" + loadingImg + "' class='img-fluid' style='display: none;max-height: 120px'>" +

             "</div>" +

             "<div class='d-flex justify-content-center'>" +

             "   <button onclick='startLiveness(true)' id='check-ls' style='display: none' class='btn-rose btn btn-sm'>" +

             "       <div class='d-flex justify-content-center'>" +

             "           <img style='height: 22px' class='mr-1' src='./img/ic_liveness.png'>" +

             "           <h5 class='m-0'>LIVENESS</h5>" +

             "       </div>" +

             "   </button>" +

             "   <button onclick='startFaceMatch(true)' id='check-ls' style='display: none' class='btn-rose btn btn-sm'>" +

             "       <div class='d-flex justify-content-center'>" +

             "           <img style='margin-top:2px;height: 22px' class='mr-1' src='./img/ic_biometric.png'>" +

             "           <h5 class='m-0'>FACE MATCH</h5>" +

             "       </div>" +

             "   </button>" +

             "</div>" +

             "<div id='score-div' style='display: none' class='justify-content-center justify-content-between'>" +

             "   <h5 id='ls-score'>0.00 %</h5>" +

             "   <h5 id='fm-score'>0.00 %</h5>" +


         facematchURI = result.face;

         getImage('face', result.face, true);


     sides.forEach(function (side, i) {

         if (result.hasOwnProperty(side)) {

             if (Object.keys(result[side]).length > 0) {

                 if (i === 0) {

                     switch (result.type) {

                         case "BANKCARD":

                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>Bank Card Data</h4>";


                         case "DL_PLATE":

                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>Vehicle Plate</h4>";


                         case "BARCODE":

                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>Barcode Data</h4>";


                         case "PDF417":

                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>PDF417 Barcode</h4>";


                         case "OCR":

                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>OCR Front</h4>";


                         case "MRZ":

                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>MRZ</h4>";


                         case "BARCODEPDF417":

                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>USA DL Result</h4>";



                             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>Front Side</h4>";



                 } else {

                     html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>OCR Back</h4>";


                 var table = '<table id="result-table" class="table table-responsive">' +

                     '                    <thead></thead><tbody>';

                 var width = $(window).width();

                 var tdLen1 = Math.round(0.35 \ width);

                 var tdLen2 = Math.round(0.55 \ width);

                 Object.keys(result[side]).forEach(function (key) {

                     if (key !== "PDF417") {

                         if (["signature", "front_img", "back_img"].indexOf(key) === -1) {

                             if (result[side][key].indexOf("<") !== -1) {

                                 table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: " + tdLen1 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + key + "</td><td style='max-width: " + tdLen2 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'><pre style='white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result[side][key].replace(/</g, '&lt') + "</pre></td></tr>";

                             } else {

                                 table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: " + tdLen1 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + key + "</td><td style='max-width: " + tdLen2 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result[side][key] + "</td></tr>";


                         } else if (key === "signature") {

                             table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;'>" + key + "</td><td><img id='signature_" + side + "' src='" + loadingImg + "' class='img-fluid'></td></tr>";

                             getImage('signature_' + side, result[side][key]);




                 var key = "PDF417";

                 if (result[side].hasOwnProperty(key)) {

                     table += "<tr style='background: lightgrey' class='p-2 font-weight-bold'><td style='max-width: "+tdLen1+"px;'>PDF417 Barcode</td><td></td></tr>";

                     if (result[side][key].indexOf("<") !== -1) {

                         table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: "+tdLen1+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + key + "</td><td style='max-width: "+tdLen2+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'><pre style='white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result[side][key].replace(/</g, '&lt') + "</pre></td></tr>";

                     } else {

                         table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: "+tdLen1+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + key + "</td><td style='max-width: "+tdLen2+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result[side][key] + "</td></tr>";



                 table += '</tbody></table>';

                 html += table;




     if (result.hasOwnProperty('mrz_data')) {

         var keys = Object.keys(result.mrz_data);

         if (keys.length > 0) {

             html += "<h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>MRZ</h4>";

             var table = '<table id="mrz-table" class="table table-responsive">' +

                 '                    <thead></thead><tbody>';

             var width = $(window).width();

             var tdLen1 = Math.round(0.35 \ width);

             var tdLen2 = Math.round(0.55 \ width);

             if (result.mrz_data.hasOwnProperty("MRZ")) {

                 if (result.mrz_data.MRZ.indexOf("<") !== -1) {

                     table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: "+tdLen1+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>MRZ</td><td style='max-width: "+tdLen2+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'><pre style='white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result.mrz_data.MRZ.replace(/</g, '&lt') + "</pre></td></tr>";

                 } else {

                     table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: "+tdLen1+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>MRZ</td><td style='max-width: "+tdLen2+"px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result.mrz_data.MRZ + "</td></tr>";



             keys.forEach(function (key) {

                 if (key !== "MRZ") {

                     if (result.mrz_data[key].indexOf("<") !== -1) {

                         table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: " + tdLen1 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + key + "</td><td style='max-width: " + tdLen2 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'><pre style='white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result.mrz_data[key].replace(/</g, '&lt') + "</pre></td></tr>";

                     } else {

                         table += "<tr><td class='text-danger p-2' style='vertical-align:inherit;max-width: " + tdLen1 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + key + "</td><td style='max-width: " + tdLen2 + "px;white-space: pre-wrap;word-break: break-word;'>" + result.mrz_data[key] + "</td></tr>";




             table += '</tbody></table>';

             html += table;



     if (result.hasOwnProperty("front_img")) {

         html += "<div class='mt-3 d-flex align-items-center'><h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>FRONT SIDE</h4></div><img id='front-image' src='" + loadingImg + "' class='img-fluid'>";

         getImage('front-image', result.front_img, true);


     if (result.hasOwnProperty("back_img")) {

         html += "<div class='p-2 mt-3 d-flex align-items-center bg-rose'><h4 class='p-2 font-weight-bold' style='background: lightgrey'>BACK SIDE</h4></div><img id='back-image' src='" + loadingImg + "' class='img-fluid'>";

         getImage('back-image', result.back_img, true);


     $('#result-modal .modal-body').empty().append(html);



function getImage(id, uri, isFm = false) {

     window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(uri, function (fileEntry) {

         fileEntry.file(function (file) {

             var reader = new FileReader();

             reader.onloadend = function () {

                 $('#' + id).attr("src", this.result);

                 if (isFm) {

                     $('#check-ls, #check-fm').fadeIn()



             reader.onerror = function () {

                 $('#' + id).attr("src", errorImg);

                 if (isFm) {

                     $('#check-ls, #check-fm').fadeOut()




         }, function () {

             $('#' + id).attr("src", errorImg);

             if (isFm) {

                 $('#check-ls, #check-fm').fadeOut()



     }, function () {

         $('#' + id).attr("src", errorImg);

         if (isFm) {

             $('#check-ls, #check-fm').fadeOut()




Commit Files


$ cordova prepare android

Details for Plugin Modifications

  1. Structure

    1. Cordova Structure

  2. Plugin Structure

Plugin path = I:\accura-cordova\custom-plugins\cordova-accura-kyc

  1. Package Name

Accura licence needs Package name for android. To get cordova app package name open the config.xml in the root I:\accura-cordova\config.xml

id will be the package name.

TO MODIFY rename it to your desire package name and run in CMD (in the root of cordova project i.e I:\accura-cordova)

“cordova prepare android”

  1. License Paths

Generate your Accura license from here

These are the paths for licences:

  • \accura-cordova\custom-plugins\cordova-accura-kyc\src\android\accuraface.license

  • \accura-cordova\custom-plugins\cordova-accura-kyc\src\android\key.license

    Replace your licensees in these locations.

  1. Configurations


  1. Accura Error Messages

File: /cordova-accura-kyc/src/android/configs/accura_error_titles_configs.xml

You can change default settings here.

  1. Accura Scan Messages

File: /cordova-accura-kyc/src/android/configs/accura_scan_titles_configs.xml

You can change default settings here.

  1. Accura Common Strings

File: /cordova-accura-kyc/src/android/configs/accura_strings.xml

You can change default settings here.

  1. Face Match

File: /cordova-accura-kyc/src/android/configs/face_match_config.xml

You can change default settings here.

  1. Liveness

File: /cordova-accura-kyc/src/android/liveness_config.xml

You can change default settings here.

  1. Recog Engine Initial Settings

File: /cordova-accura-kyc/src/android/recog_engine_config.xml

  1. Accura AAR framework

    Accura framework file is located at:


NOTE: the filename should be the same.

For updating your new AAR file replace the above file.

Modify Activities

 Folder: \cordova-accura-kyc\src\android\accura-OCR

NOTE: do not replace the file. Only edit the code.

All the activities are modifiable. And any android developer can modify these activities.

Modify Layouts

 Folder: \cordova-accura-kyc\src\android\accura-OCR\layout
  1. custom_frame_layout.xml
  2. ocr_activity.xml

NOTE: do not replace the file. Only edit the code.

All the layouts are modifiable. And any android developer can modify these activities.

Commit Modifications

	 After all the modifications or any modification open CMD at root(i.e \accura-cordova\) and run the following commands one by one
  1. $ cordova plugin remove cordova-accura-kyc
  2. $ cordova plugin add I:\accura-cordova\custom-plugins\cordova-accura-kyc


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
