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Web App to publish the Abstracts of TEI-2016

The purpose of this application is to publish the in XML/TEI encoded abstracts of the TEI-Conference 2016. The abstracts were taken from the GitHub-Repo TEI2016abstracts. The application is based upon generec-de-web-app.


  1. This applications is an eXist-db application. Therefore you need to have an eXist-db instance (tested with version 2.2 and RC 3.0) up and running.
  2. Open eXist-db dashboard (if you have eXist running on localhost and with default settings try http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/dashboard/index.html.
  3. There open the package manager
  4. Click on 'add a package', the icon in the top left corner
  5. Select tei-abstracts-0.1.xar located in the build directory in this repo
  6. After a succesful installation process, you should be all set up and running. Again on localhost try: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/tei-abstracts/

Data preprocessing

To enhance functionality of this application, the data had to be slightly processed. Therefore the following steps were conducted:

  • derived a person index from the data by collecting all authors and created persName keys, either by taking the already assigned viaf number or created an md5 hash from the concatenated for- and surname plus prefix "genID" (create-pers-list.xql)
  • added md5 hashes as @key attributes to persName elements in the abstracts (add.keys.xql)

Data enrichment

The scripts add-gender-genderize-listpers.xql and add-gender-genderize-editions.xqll map all forenames in the corpus towards their gender. Therefore the names are sent to the service Since the number of daily requests must not exeed 1000, editions and indices are processed seperatly.