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An open source collection of single-objective optimization algorithms for multi-dimensional functions.

The purpose of this library is to give users access to a variety of versatile black-box optimization algorithms with extreme ease of use and interoperability. The parameters of each of the algorithms can be tuned by the users and there is a high level of parameter uniformity between algorithms.

Benefits of using Optiseek include:

  • support for float, integer, categorical, and boolean inputs for objective functions
  • compatibility with black-box objective functions (requires no information on gradients or form of function)
  • the algorithms are simple compared to alternatives (e.g. Bayesian optimization) with faster runtime on basic objective functions
  • competitive convergence for computionally expensive objective functions in terms of number of function evaluations
  • seamless integration into ML pipelines for hyper-parameter tuning
  • access to a variety of stopping criteria, suitable for both computationally expensive and cheap objective functions
  • carefully chosen default parameters for algorithms, with ability for user-defined fine tuning


For full documentation, visit the github pages site.


pip install optiseek


Basic Implementation

optiseek provides access to numerous optimization algorithms that require minimal effort from the user. An example using the well-known particle swarm optimization algorithm can be as simple as this:

from optiseek.variables import var_float
from optiseek.metaheuristics import particle_swarm_optimizer
from optiseek.testfunctions import booth

# define a list of variables and their domains for the objective function
var_list = [
	var_float('x1', [-10, 10]),
	var_float('x2', [-10, 10])

# create an instance of the algorithm to optimize the booth test function and set its parameters
alg = particle_swarm_optimizer(booth, var_list)

# define stopping criteria and optimize
alg.optimize(find_minimum=True, max_iter=10)

# show the results!
print(f'best_value = {alg.best_value:.5f}')
print(f'best_position = {alg.best_position}')
print(f'n_iter = {alg.completed_iter}')
best_value = 0.00217
best_position = {'x1': 0.9921537320723116, 'x2': 3.0265668104168326}
n_iter = 10

This is a fairly basic example implementation without much thought put into parameter selection. Of course, the user is free to tune the parameters of the algorithm any way they would like.

Tuning ML Hyperparameters

The steps to tuning hyperparameters for an ML algorithm with optiseek are straighforward:

  1. Prepare the training data
  2. Create a function that performs cross-validation with the hyperparameters are arguments and error metric as output
  3. Define the search space
  4. Pass this to an algorithm in optiseek and optimize
# imports
from optiseek.variables import *
from optiseek.metaheuristics import particle_swarm_optimizer

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate

from lightgbm import LGBMRegressor

# import and prepare the data
california_housing = fetch_california_housing(as_frame=True)
X =
y =

# set up cross-validation of the model as the objective function
def objective_function(learning_rate, num_leaves, max_depth, min_child_weight, min_child_samples, subsample, colsample_bytree, reg_alpha):
    # assign the parameters
    params = {
        'n_estimators': 300,
        'learning_rate': learning_rate,
        'num_leaves': num_leaves,
        'max_depth': max_depth,
        'min_child_weight': min_child_weight,
        'min_child_samples': min_child_samples,
        'subsample': subsample,
        'colsample_bytree': colsample_bytree,
        'reg_alpha': reg_alpha,
        'verbose': -1

    # create the model
    model = LGBMRegressor(**params)

    # cross validate and return average validation MRSE
    cv_results = cross_validate(model, X, y, scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error', cv=5)
    cv_score = -np.mean(cv_results['test_score'])

    return cv_score

# define the search space
var_list = [
    var_float('learning_rate', [0.001, 0.3]),
    var_int('num_leaves', [20, 3000]),
    var_int('max_depth', [3, 12]),
    var_float('min_child_weight', [0.0005, 0.1]),
    var_int('min_child_samples', [5, 50]),
    var_float('subsample', [0.5, 1]),
    var_float('colsample_bytree', [0.5, 1]),
    var_float('reg_alpha', [0.001, 0.1])

# instantiate an optimization algorithm with the function and search domain
alg = particle_swarm_optimizer(objective_function, var_list, results_filename='cv_results.csv')

# set stopping criteria and optimize
alg.optimize(find_minimum=True, max_function_evals=300)

# show the results!
print(f'best_value = {alg.best_value:.5f}')
print(f'best_position = {alg.best_position}')
best_value = 0.60881
best_position = {'learning_rate': 0.24843279626513076, 'num_leaves': 3000, 'max_depth': 3, 'min_child_weight': 0.06303795879741575, 'min_child_samples': 27, 'subsample': 0.5, 'colsample_bytree': 0.9620615099733333, 'reg_alpha': 0.022922559999999998}


optiseek was created by Alex Dundore. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Credits and Dependencies

optiseek is powered by numpy.


An open source collection of single-objective optimization algorithms for multi-dimensional functions.







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