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🚀 Quick start

  1. Create a Gatsby site.

    Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site, specifying the blog starter.

    # create a new Gatsby site using the blog starter
    gatsby new my-blog-starter
  2. Modify the Site's Config. Modify the config in ./gatsby-config.js;

  3. Create Content Directory. Create a directory like this:

    ├── blog
    └── static

    You blogs should be .md files in the blog directory, and the everything in the static directory would be copied to the root path when after building.

  4. Preview

    yarn dev --host

    Then you can see the site running at http://localhost:8000/

Writing Articles

Create new Articles

You can create a new article easily just like this:

yarn run new <article_name>

For Example:

yarn run new '/2021/this is my first article'

## or

yarn run new '/2021/this is my first'

It will create the file at ./content/blog/2021/this is my first

Another way, if you add a / at the end of <article_name> like yarn run new '/2021/this is my first article/'

It will create the file at ./content/blog/2021/this is my first article/

By the way, the final effect of these two methods is equivalent.

Article prams

There are many prams of an article.

params name requied default value
title ${filename} The title of this article which will show in the post page and the list view.
date ${now.format()}
draft false This article will not be published when draft is true.
comment true Whether this article can be commented.
description ${the content of this article} It will show after the title in the list page.
author ${the author infomation from global config} The author.
from Whether this article comes from if it is Is reprinted.
slug ${title} The url slug
cover Cover image.
tags [] List of tags.
series [] List of series.
categories [] List of categories.

Use Image

just ![](./image.jpg) or ![](

Short Code

To Preview see

Every available Short Code is at: ./src/templates/post-components.tsx


Edit ./src/style/theme.css


yarn build

Then publish the ./public folder.