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Upload pngslim v1.0 (2009), inc. supporting files.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Dent <>
  • Loading branch information
ace-dent committed Dec 27, 2019
1 parent 541d0a6 commit 458aa87
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Showing 9 changed files with 484 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added apps/advdef.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added apps/deflopt.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added apps/optipng.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added apps/pngoptimizercl.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added apps/pngout.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added apps/pngrewrite.exe
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added apps/zlib.dll
Binary file not shown.
252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions pngslim.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions

:: pngslim v1.0 (25-September-2009) WinXP version
:: By Andrew C.E. Dent, dedicated to the Public Domain.

set Huff_Trials=15
set Rand_Trials=100
set LargeFileSize=66400

set VersionText=(v1.0)

echo Started batch %date% %time% - pngslim %VersionText%.
:: Check programs are available for the script
set PngDir="%~dp0apps\"
PATH %PngDir%;%PATH% >nul
if not exist %PngDir%advdef.exe echo File 1 missing! & goto theend
if not exist %PngDir%deflopt.exe echo File 2 missing! & goto theend
if not exist %PngDir%optipng.exe echo File 3 missing! & goto theend
if not exist %PngDir%pngoptimizercl.exe echo File 4 missing! & goto theend
if not exist %PngDir%pngout.exe echo File 5 missing! & goto theend
if not exist %PngDir%pngrewrite.exe echo File 6 missing! & goto theend
if not exist %PngDir%zlib.dll echo File 7 missing! & goto theend
:: Check some png files have been provided
if .%1==. (
echo Drag-and-drop a selection of PNG files to optimize them.
goto theend
set v=0
set zs=0
set zx=0
set TotalBytes=0
for %%i in (%*) do set /a TotalFiles+=1

set /a PngNum+=1
if /I %~x1 NEQ .png goto nextfile
title [%PngNum%/%TotalFiles%] pngslim %VersionText%
echo %~z1b - Optimizing: %1
set z0=%~z1
copy %1 %1.backup >nul


pngout -q -s4 -f0 -c6 -k0 -force %1
if errorlevel 1 echo Cannot compress: Unsupported PNG format. & goto stage99

if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T0S1: Written uncompressed file with stripped metadata.
set LargeFile=0
if %~z1 GTR %LargeFileSize% set LargeFile=1
set /a Huff_MaxBlocks=%~z1/256
if %Huff_MaxBlocks% GTR 512 set Huff_MaxBlocks=512
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T0S2: File metrics: Max Huff blocks %Huff_MaxBlocks%, Large file: %LargeFile%.

pngoptimizercl -file:%1 >nul
pngrewrite %1 %1
start /belownormal /b /wait pngout.exe -q -k1 -ks -s1 %1
echo %~z1b - Lossy stage complete (optimized metadata, palette and transparency).

:: Trial (1) - Determine optimum color type and delta filter.

echo %~z1b - Compression trial 1 running (Color and filter settings)...
set ImgColr="Unknown"

pngout -q -s4 -c0 -d8 %1
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto T1_Step1_GrayA
set ImgColr="Gray"
if %LargeFile%==0 (
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c0 -d1 %1
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c0 -d2 %1
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c0 -d4 %1
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c0 -d8 %1
if %LargeFile%==1 (
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c0 -d1 %1
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c0 -d2 %1
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c0 -d4 %1
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c0 -d8 %1
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T1S1: Tested color setting -c0 (Gray).

pngout -q -s4 -c4 %1
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto T1_Step1_Pal
set ImgColr="Gray"
if %LargeFile%==0 for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c4 %1
if %LargeFile%==1 for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c4 %1
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T1S1: Tested color setting -c4 (Gray+Alpha).

pngout -q -s4 -c3 -d8 %1
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto T1_Step1_RGB
if %LargeFile%==0 (
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c3 -d1 %1
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c3 -d2 %1
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c3 -d4 %1
for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c3 -d8 %1
if %LargeFile%==1 (
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c3 -d1 %1
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c3 -d2 %1
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c3 -d4 %1
for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c3 -d8 %1
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T1S1: Tested color setting -c3 (Paletted).

if %ImgColr%=="Gray" goto T1_Step2
pngout -q -s4 -c2 %1
if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto T1_Step1_RGBA
if %LargeFile%==0 for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c2 %1
if %LargeFile%==1 for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c2 %1
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T1S1: Tested color setting -c2 (RGB).

if %LargeFile%==0 for %%i in (1,2) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s0 -n%%i -f%%j -c6 %1
if %LargeFile%==1 for %%i in (0,256) do for %%j in (0,5) do pngout -q -k1 -s1 -b%%i -f%%j -c6 %1
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T1S1: Tested color setting -c6 (RGB+Alpha).

if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T1S2: Testing Delta filters for chosen color type...
if %LargeFile%==0 (
for %%i in (0,3) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -ks -s%%i -b256 -f%%j %1
optipng -q -nb -nc -zc1-9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 %1
optipng -q -zc1-9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 %1
if %LargeFile%==1 (
for %%i in (0,256) do for /L %%j in (1,1,4) do pngout -q -k1 -ks -s1 -b%%i -f%%j %1
for %%i in (128) do for /L %%j in (0,1,5) do pngout -q -k1 -ks -s1 -b%%i -f%%j %1
start /belownormal /b /wait pngout -q -k1 -ks -s0 -n1 %1
optipng -q -nb -nc -zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5 %1
optipng -q -zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5 %1

echo %~z1b - Compression trial 1 complete (Color and filter type).

:: Trial (2) - Determine optimum number of Huffman blocks and Deflate strategy with PNGOUT

echo %~z1b - Compression trial 2 running (Deflate settings)...
set Huff_Blocks=1
set Huff_Best=1
set Huff_Count=0
set Huff_Base=%~z1
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T2S1: Seeking optimum number of Huffman blocks...
set /a Huff_Blocks+=1
start /belownormal /b /wait pngout -q -k1 -ks -s3 -n%Huff_Blocks% %1
pngout -q -k1 -ks -s0 -n%Huff_Blocks% %1
if ERRORLEVEL 2 set /a Huff_Count+=1
if %~z1 LSS %Huff_Base% (
set Huff_Count=0
set Huff_Base=%~z1
set Huff_Best=%Huff_Blocks%
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T2S1: Best %Huff_Base%b with %Huff_Best% blocks. Tested %Huff_Blocks%, Count %Huff_Count%.
if %Huff_Blocks% GEQ %Huff_MaxBlocks% goto T2_Step2
if %Huff_Count% GEQ %Huff_Trials% goto T2_Step2
goto T2_Step1_Loop

if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T2S2: Test different settings to ensure best number of blocks
set /a Huff_Blocks=%Huff_Best%-1
set Huff_Count=1
if %Huff_Best% LEQ 1 (
set Huff_Blocks=1
set Huff_Count=2
:: Testing different Deflate strategies and random Huffman tables for optimal number of blocks
for /L %%i in (1,1,10) do for %%j in (0,2,3) do pngout -q -k1 -ks -s%%j -n%Huff_Blocks% -r %1
if %v%==1 echo %~z1b - T2S2: Tested %Huff_Blocks% block(s) with Deflate strategies 0,2,3.
set /a Huff_Blocks+=1 & set /a Huff_Count+=1
if %Huff_Count% GTR 3 goto T2_End
goto T2_Step2_Loop

echo %~z1b - Compression trial 2 complete (Huffman blocks and Deflate strategy).

:: Trial (3) - Test randomized Huffman tables

set zs=%~z1
echo %~z1b - Compression trial 3 running (%Rand_Trials%x random Huffman tables)...
for /L %%i in (1,1,%Rand_Trials%) do start /belownormal /b /wait pngout -q -k1 -ks -s0 -r %1
if %~z1 LSS %zs% goto T3_Step1_Loop
echo %~z1b - Compression trial 3 complete (Randomized Huffman tables).

:: Trial (4) - Final compression sweep

for %%i in (32k,16k,8k,4k,2k,1k,512,256) do optipng -q -nb -nc -zw%%i -zc1-9 -zm1-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5 %1
for /L %%i in (1,1,4) do advdef -q -z%%i %1
deflopt -s -k %1 >nul
echo %~z1b - Final compression sweep finished.

:: if %~z1 GTR %z0% copy %1 %1._fail >nul
if %~z1 GEQ %z0% (
del %1
rename "%~1.backup" "%~nx1"
echo Original file restored; could not compress further.
set /a zs=%z0%-%~z1
set /a zx=(%zs%*100)/%z0%
set /a TotalBytes+=%zs%
if %~z1 LSS %z0% (
del %1.backup
echo Optimized: "%~n1". Slimmed %zx%%%, %zs% bytes.

if .%1==. goto close
goto start

title Optimization complete.
echo Finished %date% %time% - pngslim %VersionText%.
echo Processed %TotalFiles% files. Slimmed %TotalBytes% bytes.

title %ComSpec%

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