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This is a medium-sophisticated mutt setup that I've been using and
refining for the past 12 years or so. It used to be a lot more
complicated (aka influenced by Sven Guckes ;) but over time, I've
been attempting to reduce the delta between my quirks and the mutt
defaults, and this is about where I am today.

The remaining reasons for my quirks are:

  * keybindings that are vim-ish
  * supports 2 separate IMAP accounts
  * color scheme and visual layout quirks
  * fix some annoying default behaviors

I invoke a separate mutt process per folder I want to look at.
During the day, when I'm concentrating on work, I usually just have
a single terminal open to my work inbox. If it's a slow day or I'm
just in an email mood, I'll have two terminals side by side, with
one open to my work inbox and the other open to my personal inbox.

Or if I'm writing a relatively complicated mail that requires me to
look at and reference a bunch of old mail (possibly in different
folders), I'll use one terminal for navigating, reading, and as a
copy/paste source while using the other terminal to compose my

If I have a wild hair, I might use tabs inside terminals to have
even moAR folders open, but that's a somewhat rare occasion.

The high-level interaction between these files are:

  * bash_aliases is how I invoke my personal mutt vs work mutt
  * the individual mutt configs read the base muttrc config file
  * the individual mutt configs then layer their own quirks on top
  * msmtprc is how my outbound mail gets sent
  * vimrc.mutt isn't very special; it only sets the column-width of
    my replies to 65, which helps readability and gives plenty of
    space for multiple levels of "> > > old quotes"


  * Maildir is the only inbox format that makes sense
  * make sure you create a ~/.mutt/ directory to hold the header and
    body caches

Some mildly interesting highlights of my mutt configs:

  * 'alternates'. These lines teach mutt who I am, so that mails to
    me have a proper status flag while looking at the mutt index.
  * 'query_command' allows me to use 'control-t' to autocomplete a
    recipient's address
  * demonstrates how I use Google Apps for Your Domain to
    host my mail, notably by setting
    which is how I login to my vanity domain
  * also contains some macros to take into account the
    idea of archiving mail in gmail and marking spam. They could
    probably be rewritten to match the default gmail keybindings.

  * the F6 binding while in my pager maps to a special split
    keyboard I own, with a large physical gap between F5 and F6. I
    use it to send an individual mail to its own new gvim window
    which I can then drag around to different virtual desktops in
    case I want to view that mail while reading a web page, perhaps.

    This makes more sense when you realize I use the default Ubuntu
    setup of 4 virtual desktops, and always have my mail on 1, xchat
    on 3, web browsers on 4, and actual coding terminals on 2.

Another strange quirk of my mail setup: I do not filter my inbox. On
any given day, I'll probably receive between 80 to 200 mails at
work, a large portion of which I'm not interested in (mostly
automated stuff). While filtering is easy enough...
  a) I got sick of maintaining a complicated procmailrc years ago

  b) I no longer read linux-kernel email, which was the only
  situation that truly required filtering.

  c) allowing all the automated crap land in my inbox gives me more
  situational awareness of my virtual surroundings. If the flow of
  jenkins auto-landing mails is constant, I know my team is busily
  working. If those auto-mails slow down, I start poking around to
  see if our infrastructure broke or start asking what cat videos
  they're all watching.

  d) deleting in mutt is really fast

  e) I *do* save interesting mail off to various folders for future
  reference. This tends to be mail addressed directly to me (aka not
  a mailing list), in which case it gets saved into an obvious topic
  f) On the other hand, mail that comes from a mailman list simply
  gets deleted after reading on the assumption that I'll be able to
  go into the mailman archive later.

Things I do *all* the time:

  * my inbox is my TODO list, and I aggressively delete or save
    mails to various folders after reading
  * I tend to handle mail on the thread level, so I'll let an
    interesting thread build up for a bit in my inbox, and after it
    dies down, I'll move the entire thread to a topic folder. Or if
    it's an uninteresting thread, I won't even open it, but just hit
    control-d to delete it from the index.
  * tagging multiple mails for batch action is awesome. Use the ';'
    key to apply a batch action to all tagged mails. For instance,
    to move a bunch of mail from inbox to a topic folder, I press
    't' for every mail I want, then ';-s' which does a batch save.
    Or 'T' to tag a regexp, then ';-d' to delete them all.
  * another tagging hint: you can tag multiple mails from
    semi-related threads and then use ';-r' to send a reply that
    combines the threads into a single response, and let all the
    followups coalesce back into a single thread. very satisfying.
  * use the 'l' command as an instant search on your current folder.
    The mnemonic actually stands for "limit" but you can think of it as
    search. If I want to see everything in my inbox from Mark, I
    type 'lmark<enter>' or say all mails with a certain subject, it
    would be 'lfoo<enter>'. To show all the mails again, 'l~all<enter>'
  * use 'c' to change mailboxes. when doing so, to get back to your
    inbox, the shortcut for it is '!'. So if you are in folder
    '=foo', to get back to your inbox, the sequence is 'c!<enter>'

Not mutt specific, but a bonus vim trick. In Linuxlandia, inline
quoting is pretty normal. This is where you have mails that go like

   > > kinda old content from 2 replies ago that goes on
   > > multiple lines

   your response to that stuff because you were Cc'ed late

   > most recent old content

   your response to the most recent old content

And so forth. Imagine a lot of these mails and a lot of replies, and
perhaps you now have like 5 levels of quoting. What happens over
time is that the quoting gets broken as people's various mailers
have various column widths set, so you end up with something like:

   > > kinda old content from 2 replies ago that goes on
   > multiple lines etc. etc.
   > > lorem ipsum doler bla bla bla but now with broken
   > quoting.
   > > notice how the quoting levels are screwed up.

I fix people's quoting in my response all the time with a bit of
manual labor and vim's formatting command. First, you insert the
quote character where it's missing so that the lines that belong
together at the same quoting level have the same number of quote
characters. This sounds tedious but in practice it's not bad at all.
The intermediate state you end up with is:

   > > kinda old content from 2 replies ago that goes on
   > > multiple lines etc. etc.
   > > lorem ipsum doler bla bla bla but now with broken
   > > quoting.
   > > notice how the quoting levels are screwed up.

So at least the old quotes are logical, but the varying line widths
are impossible to read, so the final step is to use the key sequence
of 'gqap' in vim on the paragraph to reflow the text, ending up

   > > kinda old content from 2 replies ago that goes on multiple
   > > lines etc. etc. lorem ipsum doler bla bla bla but now with
   > > broken quoting. notice how the quoting levels are screwed up.

Hint: this works with /* multi-line comments in C code too */ as
well as comments in python. Anywhere you have a block of text that
you want to reflow to fit your defined 'textwidth', you can use

One more final hint. Keeping your dot files synced across multiple
machines is a gigantic pain, so I hooked mine up into Ubuntu One.
The way it works is:

  $ cd ~/Ubuntu\ One
  $ mkdir sync.links
  $ cd sync.links
  $ mkdir bin
  $ cd ~/Projects
  $ bzr branch lp:sync.links
  $ cp sync.links/* ~/Ubuntu\ One/sync.links/bin
  $ cd ~/Ubuntu\ One/sync.links/bin
  $ python

This will copy all your interesting dotfiles from your home
directory into your Ubuntu One folder, which is then automatically
synced into the cloud.

Your sensitive files such as your ssh keys and gpg keys are
further encrypted with a symmetric cipher. Choose a different
password than your ssh and gpg private passphrases.

You may now want to run:

  $ python relink

This will create symlinks from your home directory to your freshly
copied dotfiles which are now sync'ed into Ubuntu One.

When you install a new machine (or vm), your Ubuntu One folder gets
automatically synced down from the cloud. Now you can navigate to
your sync.links directory in U1 and create symlinks from your home
directory to your dotfiles. Your previous environment is now
replicated, and even better, because they are symlinks, any time you
edit your dot files on one machine, they get synced to the cloud and
replicated to all your other machines.

On a fresh machine that knows about your U1 identity:

  $ cd ~/Ubuntu\ One/sync.links/bin
  $ python symlinks



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