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achoi1225 edited this page Jan 6, 2021 · 8 revisions
Path HTTP Verb Meaning
/api/auth/ GET Authenticate user
/api/auth/login POST Login user
/api/auth/logout GET Logout user
/api/auth/signup POST Signup new user
/api/users/ GET Send back data for all users (Maybe unnecessary)
/api/users/:id GET Send back data for one user
/api/users/:userId/reviews GET Get all reviews for one user
/api/users/:userId/reviews POST Create a review for one user
/api/users/:userId/reviews PATCH Edit a review for one user
/api/users/:userId/reviews DELETE Delete a review for one user
/api/reviews/movies/:movie_id GET Get all reviews for one movie
/api/users/:userId/watchlist GET Get watchlist for one user
/api/users/:userId/watchlist POST Add movie to user's watchlist
/api/users/:userId/watchlist/movies/:movieId DELETE Remove movie from user's watchlist
/api/users/:userId/watchlist/:watchlistId PATCH Edit movie in user's watchlist
/api/users/:userId/watchlist/:watchlistId DELETE Delete movie in user's watchlist
/api/users/:userId/follows/followed GET Get list of people user is following
/api/users/:userId/follows/followed/:followed_id POST Create a follow for user
/api/users/:userId/follows/followers GET Get list of people following user
/api/movies/ POST Create a movie
/api/movies/:movieId GET Get data for one movie
/api/movies/:movieId DELETE DELETE one movie
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