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Anselme Chorein edited this page Sep 30, 2015 · 4 revisions

What is SilentEye?

SilentEye is a cross-platform application design for an easy use of steganography, in this case hiding messages into pictures or sounds. It provides a pretty nice interface and an easy integration of new steganography algorithm and cryptography process by using a plug-ins system. SilentEye is free to use (under GNU GPL v3).

Main Features

  • Hide information into images and sounds (LSB)
    • JPEG
    • BMP
    • WAVE
  • Encrypte data
    • AES128
    • AES256
  • Capacity to hide text or file
  • zlib compression of message
  • Drag & Drop

Compatible with:

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux


Media format and encryption are supported by plug-ins :

Format Plug-in :

  • Image format plug-ins (ex: BMP, JPEG), which allow you to save informations into output files (ex: .jpeg).
  • Audio format plug-ins (ex: WAVE), provided output for .wav files

Cryptography plug-ins:

  • Allow application to encrypte data before hidding them (ex: AES 256)
  • Using this architecture provides easy integration of new steganography algorithm and cryptography process.
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