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User Stories

MathewWLucy edited this page Nov 29, 2020 · 1 revision

Many different types of users have a stake and interest in Smart Hack Smasher. See the following examples:

  • As a driver, I want my car to know when a problem happens so I can be and feel safe as I travel in my vehicle.

  • As a developer working for a car manufacture, I want to make sure that I can use this modularized machine learning security template and extend it to other modules that we provide in our cars.

  • As a car manufacturer, I want to know that my cars are as safe as they can be, not only so I can sell more cars, but also so that my customers can be safe.

  • As an insurance business, I want to know that my customers are using the safest cars possible so that I can minimize accident risk and insurance payouts.

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