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This gem adds an encryptor called pkcs11 to the hiera-eyaml utility. It was designed to be used with a Thales nshield connect. It can communicate with the HSM using pkcs11 via the pkcs11 gem or chil by shelling out to the openssl binaries. The different operation modes were designed to be as forward compatible as possible when using Puppet Enterprise 3.4 and higher. Native gems with C extensions in jruby which will not work in PE 3.4 as that stack will be calling hiera as soon as that JVM master is included in Puppet Enterprise.


You can build this gem using ( if building on windows under PE gem install bundle first):
rake build
The gem will be build in .pkg/ directory and can be installed with gem install /path/to/the.gem

or add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hiera-eyaml-pkcs11'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hiera-eyaml-pkcs11

# If you plan on using pkcs11 support directly
# This is specified as a development dependency and thus not auto installed
$ gem install pkcs11

# If you plan on using the local openssl mode
# This is specified as a development dependency and thus not auto installed
# ( Likely already included in your distribution of ruby and this is not necessary )
$ gem install openssl


This gem has four operational modes: pkcs11,mri-pkcs11,chil and openssl

PKCS11 mode

This mode uses the pkcs11 shared object libraries to natively communicate with the hsm using pkcs11.

Typical parameters

Configuration file parameter Command line parameter Description
pkcs11_key_label --pkcs11-key-label Pubic/Private key label
pkcs11_hsm_password --pkcs11-hsm-password Passphrase for softcard

Optional parameters

Configuration file parameter Command line parameter Description
pkcs11_hsm_usertype --pkcs11-hsm-user "USER" or "SO" no prefix
pkcs11_hsm_slot_id --pkcs11-hsm-slot-id Slot id of the softcard
pkcs11_hsm_library --pkcs11-hsm-library Path to HSM .so file

Note: Params are only optional on the command line

Example Usage

eyaml encrypt \
-s 'mysecrettext' \
--encrypt-method pkcs11 \
--pkcs11-mode pkcs11 \
--pkcs11-key-label 'puppet-hiera-uat-key' \
--pkcs11-hsm-password 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'

Example hiera.yaml Entry

  :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/%{environment}/
  :pkcs11_mode: 'pkcs11'
  :pkcs11_key_label: 'puppet-hiera-uat-key'
  :pkcs11_hsm_password: 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'
  :pkcs11_hsm_usertype: 'USER'
  :pkcs11_hsm_slot_id: 4
  :pkcs11_hsm_library: '/opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/'

Note: The difference of dash vs underscore in the key names

This mode was tested with:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 6.5 (Santiago)
Puppet 3.6.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.3.0)
Hiera Eyaml Gem (2.0.2)
Pkcs11 Gem (0.2.4)
Ruby (

MRI PKCS11 mode

This mode attempts to work around puppetservers (jruby's) inability to use native gems by wrapping the session code. It uses the same and arguments configuration as the pkcs11 above.

Typical parameters

Configuration file parameter Command line parameter Description
pkcs11_key_label --pkcs11-key-label Pubic/Private key label
pkcs11_hsm_password --pkcs11-hsm-password Passphrase for softcard

Optional parameters

Configuration file parameter Command line parameter Description
pkcs11_hsm_usertype --pkcs11-hsm-user "USER" or "SO" no prefix
pkcs11_hsm_slot_id --pkcs11-hsm-slot-id Slot id of the softcard
pkcs11_hsm_library --pkcs11-hsm-library Path to HSM .so file

Note: Params are only optional on the command line

Example Usage

eyaml encrypt \
-s 'mysecrettext' \
--encrypt-method pkcs11 \
--pkcs11-mode 'mri-pkcs11' \
--pkcs11-key-label 'puppet-hiera-uat-key' \
--pkcs11-hsm-password 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'

Example hiera.yaml Entry

  :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/%{environment}/
  :pkcs11_mode: 'mri-pkcs11'
  :pkcs11_key_label: 'puppet-hiera-uat-key'
  :pkcs11_hsm_password: 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'
  :pkcs11_hsm_usertype: 'USER'
  :pkcs11_hsm_slot_id: 4
  :pkcs11_hsm_library: '/opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/'

Note: The difference of dash vs underscore in the key names

#CHIL mode

This mode uses the "chil" engine support in the openssl cli to preload a given softcard using the passphase. Is was designed to "shell out" to be more compatible with jruby in the event the pkcs11 gem does not work.

Typical parameters

Configuration file parameter Command line parameter Description
pkcs11_chil_softcard --pkcs11-chil-softcard Name of softcard to use
pkcs11_chil_rsakey --pkcs11-chil-rsakey Name of rsa key to use
pkcs11_hsm_password --pkcs11-hsm-password Passphrase for softcard

Example Usage

eyaml encrypt \
-s 'mysecrettext' \
--encrypt-method pkcs11 \
--pkcs11-mode chil \
--pkcs11-chil-softcard 'puppet-hiera-uat' \
--pkcs11-chil-rsakey 'rsa-puppethierauatkey' \
--pkcs11-hsm-password 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'

Example hiera.yaml Entry

  :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/%{environment}/
  :pkcs11_mode: 'chil'
  :pkcs11_chil_softcard: 'puppet-hiera-uat'
  :pkcs11_chil_rsakey: 'rsa-puppethierauatkey'
  :pkcs11_hsm_password: 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'

Note: The difference of dash vs underscore in the key names

This mode was tested with:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 6.5 (Santiago)
Puppet 3.6.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.3.0)
Hiera Eyaml Gem (2.0.2)
Pkcs11 Gem (0.2.4)

Openssl mode

This mode uses the openssl gem to allow for offline encryption to take place using just the export rsa public key. This mode is meant to be used by developers on their workstations to encrypt values.

Typical parameters

Configuration file parameter Command line parameter Description
N/A --pkcs11-public_key Path to public PEM file

Example Usage

eyaml encrypt \
-s 'mysecrettext' \
--encrypt-method pkcs11 \
--pkcs11-mode openssl \
--pkcs11-public-key ~/puppet-hiera-uat-pub.pem

This mode was tested with:


Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 6.5 (Santiago)
Puppet 3.6.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.3.0)
Hiera Eyaml Gem (2.0.2)
Pkcs11 Gem (0.2.4)
Ruby (

Mac OS X

Mac OS X (10.8.5)
hiera-eyaml (2.0.2)
ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 patchlevel 358) [universal-darwin12.0]


Windows Server 2012R2
Puppet 3.6.2 (Puppet Enterprise 3.3.0)
hiera-eyaml (2.0.2)
Ruby (

CHIL PKCS11 Dual Configuration Example

In the event you want to switch back and forth between chil and pkcs11 the following would be a universal example:

Example Usage

eyaml encrypt \
-s 'mysecrettext' \
--encrypt-method $MODE \
--pkcs11-mode pkcs11 \
--pkcs11-key-label 'puppet-hiera-uat-key' \
--pkcs11-chil-softcard 'puppet-hiera-uat' \
--pkcs11-chil-rsakey 'rsa-puppethierauatkey' \
--pkcs11-hsm-password 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'

Example hiera.yaml Entry

  :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/%{environment}/
  # Change the line below to swap modes to 'chil'
  :pkcs11_mode: 'pkcs11'
  # Pkcs11 mode configuration options
  :pkcs11_key_label: 'puppet-hiera-uat-key'
  :pkcs11_hsm_usertype: 'USER'
  :pkcs11_hsm_slot_id: 4
  :pkcs11_hsm_library: '/opt/nfast/toolkits/pkcs11/'
  # Chil mode configuration options
  :pkcs11_chil_softcard: 'puppet-hiera-uat'
  :pkcs11_chil_rsakey: 'rsa-puppethierauatkey'
  # Shared Configuration Options
  :pkcs11_hsm_password: 'Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase'

Example Puppet Configuration

  # Example with chil mode
  # Note the use of ssl instead of "secure" in the pkcs7 path as
  # is the default in the eyaml README file. This is just an example
  # You could do variable interpolation for the password, and use
  # hiera to store its value. However if the goal is to use pkcs7
  # to encrypt the pkcs11 password, pkcs7 would need to be fully 
  # configured prior to this step. That is a chicken before the
  # egg scenerio if using the exec below to create keys in the first
  # run. One option would be to specifiy an invalid default i.e.
  # hiera('hsm_password','PKCS7_NOT_CONFIGURED'). This should allow
  # The first run to cleaning place compile and configure pkcs7
  # and the subsequent run to configure pkcs11

  $pkcs11_config = [
    '  :datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/%{environment}/"',
    '  :extension: "yaml"',
    '  :pkcs11_mode: "chil"',
    '  :pkcs11_chil_softcard: "puppet-hiera-uat"',
    '  :pkcs11_chil_rsakey: "rsa-puppethierauatkey"',
    '  :pkcs11_hsm_password: "Thi$$is@rellyl0ngp@$$phase"',
    '  :pkcs7_private_key: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem"',
    '  :pkcs7_public_key: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/keys/public_key.pkcs7.pem"',

  File {
    owner  => 'pe-puppet',
    group  => 'pe-puppet',
    mode    => '0750',

  # This is an example using
  class { '::hiera':
    backends     => [
    datadir      => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/%{environment}/',
    hierarchy    => [
    extra_config => join($pkcs11_config,"\n"),
    require      => [ Package['hiera-eyaml-pkcs11'], Package['hiera-eyaml']],

  # This should only be used if you have a gem server
  # or access to gem server that has these gems
  # If you are using then remove gemrc references
  package { ['hiera-eyaml','hiera-eyaml-pkcs11']:
    ensure       => installed,
    provider     => 'pe_gem',
    require      => File['gemrc'],

  # Create a global gemrc for Puppet Enterprise to add the local gem source
  # See for more information.
  file { '/opt/puppet/etc':
    ensure => 'directory',
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => '0',
    mode   => '0755',

  file { 'gemrc':
    ensure  => 'file',
    path    => '/opt/puppet/etc/gemrc',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => '0',
    mode    => '0644',
    content => "---\nupdate_sources: true\n:sources:\n-\n",

  # This is only required if you want pkcs7 functional as well
  # hiera 1.3 does allow for variable interpolation function
  # calls so you could encrypt pkcs11_hsm_password with pkcs7
  # However this is not supported for hiera.yaml see:
  # Note the use of ssl instead of "secure" in the path as
  # is the default in the eyaml README file.

  exec { 'create_keypair':
    user    => 'pe-puppet',
    path    => "${::path}:/opt/puppet/bin",
    cwd     => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl',
    command => 'eyaml createkeys --encrypt-method pkcs7',
    creates => '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/keys/private_key.pkcs7.pem',
    require =>  Class['::hiera'],


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/hiera-eyaml-pkcs11/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


pkcs11 implementation for eyaml for use with Thales HSM







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