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Public FTP accessible from Apache2, used for public science archives

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Alpine microcontainer with Apache2 and FTP

Based on Docker-alpine-ftp-server and Docker-alpine-apache.

This is a micro docker container based on Alpine OS, Apache version 2 and vsftpd. The aim of this project is to create a public FTP accessible from Apache2, used for public science archives.

There images are build on nimmis/alpine-micro which are a modified version of Alpine OS with a working init process, cron, logrotate and syslog. All services are started by runit daemon, for more information about how it works and setup of new services please visit for more information.

The container also have a backup system with cron schedule, number of copies to save etc, for information about the backup system please visit the for the backupsystem

starting the container as a daemon

docker run -d --rm --name apache-ftp-server \
					-p 80:80 \
					-p 21:21 \
	        -p 21000-21010:21000-21010 \
	        -e USERS="one|1234" \
	        -e ADDRESS=localhost \

This will start the container with apache and vsftpd process running, to access the container use

	docker exec -ti apache-ftp-server /bin/sh

If you want to create volumes, the volume folder must be owned by root and have 755 permissions. For example:

# mkdir /vol
# chmod 755 /vol
# chown root:root /vol
# /usr/bin/docker run --rm --name "archive_ftp" \
-v "/vol":/web/html/ftp \
-p "21:21" \
-p "80:80" \
-p "21000-21010:21000-21010" \
-e USERS="one|123|/web/html/ftp/one|4445" \
-e ADDRESS="localhost" \

FTP Configuration

By default, FTP files are saved on /web/html So you can put your volume there. You can put the home folder on other place, but you have to create a syslink, but docker doesnt support syslinks to volumes.

Environment variables:

  • USERS - space and | separated list (optional, default: ftp|alpineftp)
    • format name1|password1|[folder1][|uid1] name2|password2|[folder2][|uid2]
  • ADDRESS - external address witch clients can connect passive ports (optional)
  • MIN_PORT - minamal port number may be used for passive connections (optional, default 21000)
  • MAX_PORT - maximal port number may be used for passive connections (optional, default 21010)

USERS examples

  • user|password foo|bar|/home/foo
  • user|password|/home/user/dir|10000
  • user|password||10000


Public FTP accessible from Apache2, used for public science archives




