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The Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) Applied Chest Imaging Lab's (ACIL) Chest Imaging Platform private repository


  • ITK
  • VTK (must build with boost for airway generation labeling)
  • boost (needed for airway generation labeling)
  • teem
  • FLTK (needed for ACILAssistant)

Python Dependencies

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pynrrd
  • pandas
  • cython
  • nose

Information for Users

We are happy to receive questions, comments, bug reports, etc. Please post any questions to

Information for Developers

Commit Codes

The following codes should prepend comments to commits

  • ENH: Source code enhancment
  • DEB: A bug fix
  • COMP: A change needed to get the source to compile/link
  • STYLE: Style change
  • ADD: Addition of a new file or directory to the repository

Coding Conventions

For C++ code, we follow [ITK Coding Style Guide] 1. For python code, we follow the [PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code] 2. Highlights and additional ChestImagingPlatform-specifc guidelines for C++ code are as follows

  • Avoid white space immediately inside brackets, braces and parentheses
  • Avoid white space immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon
  • Don't use spaces around the = sign when used to indicate a keyword argument or a default parameter value
  • Use '//' for each line of a comment block, followed by a space, followed by a capitalized letter if beginning a sentence or phrase. This pertains to comments not meant to appear in the documentation.
  • Follow Doxygen style comments as per recommendations in the [ITK Coding Style Guide] 1 where appropriate
  • Use one space immediately before and after: +, -, <<, >>, &&, ||, +=, *=, -=, =, ==, <, >, =
  • No white space should be used for operators * and /