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File metadata and controls

93 lines (69 loc) · 2.92 KB

projectworks leave notifications

Serverless functions that post a daily and weekly summaries of useful information into Slack.


  • Collects and collates approved ProjectWorks .leave requests for each day and week (separate lambda functions), decorates the leave request with user information from the ProjectWorks Users API and posts the data as a Slack message.
  • Scrapes public holiday data from AU & NZ and posts reminders about upcoming public holidays to Slack
  • Posts reminders about DST changes between New Zealand and Australia (specifically AEST which covers Melbourne and Sydney)

The tasks are scheduled with cron expressions that you can adjust within serverless.yml.

Getting started

# Set up AWS credentials
# ######################

# You need to set up credentials for the AWS account you want to deploy this to.
# There are many ways to do this - see

# Set up secrets
# ##############
cp .env.staging.example .env.staging
cp .env.production
# now edit the files to have the appropriate secret values

# Install packages
# ################
npm install

# Linting & Tests
# ###############

npm run format # check formatting with prettier
npm run format:fix # fix formatting with prettier

npm run lint # TS linting with eslint
npm run lint:fix # fix TS linting with eslint

npm test # run tests with Jest

# Debugging
# #########

# Serverless framework has features to help with debugging. For example you can
# run local code in staging env (see serverless docs for details)
serverless invoke local --function weeklyReport -s staging
serverless invoke local --function dailyReport -s staging

# Deployment
# ##########

# You need to have appropriate `.env.staging` and `` files and AWS
# credentials to do deployments.
npm run deploy:staging
npm run deploy:production


Environment variables of note:

  • TZ - configures the timezone. This is necessary for dates and times to be shown correctly. Example: Pacific/Auckland
  • PROJECTWORKS_USERNAME - the basic auth username for accessing the ProjectWorks API. This is not your personal Projectworks account username.
  • PROJECTWORKS_PASSWORD - the basic auth password for accessing the ProjectWorks API. This is also not your personal Projectworks account password.
  • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL - the webhook URL to post messages to. Must be configured to run, even locally.


Contributions are welcome. Please see the contribution guidelines for detailed instructions.

About Ackama

These functions are created and maintained by Ackama Group using our investment time scheme. We are passionate about using and contributing back to the open source community, and are available for hire.