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Proyecto Integrador Argentina Programa

Install Angular CLI globally

npm install -g @angular/cli

Angular CLI: 14.1.0
Node: 16.16.0
Package Manager: npm 8.14.0
OS: win32 x64


Package Version
@angular-devkit/architect 0.1401.0 (cli-only)
@angular-devkit/core 14.1.0 (cli-only)
@angular-devkit/schematics 14.1.0 (cli-only)
@schematics/angular 14.1.0 (cli-only)

Create angular project

  • ng new angular-frontend
  • Angular routing
  • Format stylesheet CSS

Move static code to angular project

  • html headers to index.html.
    If we install bootstrap with package includes .js and .css files in angular.json
  • index body to app.component.html
  • login body to login.component.html
  • styles to app.component.css
  • move assets
  • create components and move code and styles

Create components

  • ng generate component components/header
  • ng generate component components/about
  • ng generate component components/experience
  • ng generate component components/education
  • ng generate component components/skill
  • ng generate component components/project
  • ng generate component components/footer
  • ng generate component components/add
  • ng generate component components/edition
  • ng generate component components/login
  • ng generate component components/portfolio

Create portfolio service

  • ng generate service services/portfolio (Add to app.module.ts: import and providers)
  • Import HttpClient to portfolio service and import it to app.module.ts
  • Create mock.json
  • Create methods on portfolio service for each component
  • Subscribe to that data from each component

Manage Routing

  • Separate login component, from portfolio
  • Insert router-outlet in app.component.html
  • Add paths in app-routing.module.ts


  • Add FormBuilder to login constructor
  • Add ReactiveFormsModule to imports in app.module.ts
  • Add validations to form

Create authentication service

  • ng generate service services/authentication

Create interceptor service

Allow us intercept http requests and add token before to hits the api.

  • ng generate service services/interceptor (Add to app.module.ts: import and providers)

Create authentication guard

  • ng generate guard services/Portfolio
  • CanActivate interface
  • Add guard to app-routing.module.ts

Create models

  • ng generate class models/jwt
  • ng generate class models/login
  • ng generate class models/user
  • ng generate class models/education
  • ng generate class models/experience
  • ng generate class models/project
  • ng generate class models/role
  • ng generate class models/skill

Complete services

Create add and edit components

  • ng generate component components/experience/add-experience --skip-tests --flat
  • ng generate component components/experience/edit-experience --skip-tests --flat
  • ng generate component components/education/add-education --skip-tests --flat
  • ng generate component components/education/edit-education --skip-tests --flat
  • ng generate component components/project/add-project --skip-tests --flat
  • ng generate component components/project/edit-project --skip-tests --flat
  • ng generate component components/skill/add-skill --skip-tests --flat
  • ng generate component components/skill/edit-skill --skip-tests --flat


No description, website, or topics provided.






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